# Define SciTE settings for scriptol files. filter.scriptol=Scriptol (sol)|*.sol| lexer.*.sol=scriptol file.patterns.sol=*.sol keywordclass.scriptol= act action alias always and array as \ bool boolean break by byte \ class case catch const constant continue \ dyn def define dict do double \ echo else elsif end enum error false file for float forever function \ globak gtk \ in if ifdef import include int integer java javax \ let long match mod nil not natural null number \ or print protected public real return redo \ scan script scriptol sol short super static step until using \ var text then this true try \ void volatile while when \ undef zero keywords.$(file.patterns.sol)=$(keywordclass.scriptol) statement.indent.*.sol= statement.lookback.*.sol=1 block.start.*.sol=10 comment.block.scriptol=`~ # scriptol styles # Default style.scriptol.0=fore:#000000 # White space style.scriptol.1=fore:#808080 # Scriptol style comment line style.scriptol.2=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # Persistent comment line style.scriptol.3=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # C style comment line style.scriptol.4=fore:#007F00 # Comment-blocks style.scriptol.5=fore:#007F00,$(font.comment) # Number style.scriptol.6=fore:#007F7F # String style.scriptol.7=fore:#7F007F,$(font.monospace) # Character/Single quoted string style.scriptol.8=fore:#7F007F,$(font.monospace) # End of line where string is not closed style.scriptol.9=fore:#FF0000,$(font.monospace),back:#E0C0E0,eolfilled # Keyword style.scriptol.10=fore:#00007F,bold # Operators style.scriptol.11=bold # Identifiers style.scriptol.12=fore:#333333 # Triple quotes # style.scriptol.13=fore:#007F00 # Class name definition style.scriptol.14=fore:#0000FF,bold # Preprocessor # style.scriptol.15=fore:#7F0000 if PLAT_WIN command.help.$(file.patterns.sol)="file://$(SciteDefaultHome)\manual.html" command.help.subsystem.$(file.patterns.sol)=2 if PLAT_GTK command.help.$(file.patterns.sol)=man $(CurrentWord) | col -b command.compile.*.sol=solc -c $(FileNameExt) command.build.*.sol=solc -be $(FileNameExt) command.go.*.sol=$(FileName) command.go.subsystem.*.sol=1 command.name.0.*.sol=XSolP command.0.*.sol =xsolp -be $(FileNameExt) command.is.filter.0.*.sol=1 command.name.1.*.sol=XSolC command.1.*.sol =xsolc -be $(FileNameExt) command.is.filter.1.*.sol=1 command.name.2.*.sol=Compile to Php command.2.*.sol=solp -b $(FileNameExt) command.is.filter.2.*.sol=1 command.name.3.*.sol=Compile Web page command.3.*.sol=solp -b -w $(FileNameExt) command.is.filter.3.*.sol=1 command.name.4.*.sol=Interpret command.4.*.sol=solp $(FileNameExt) command.is.filter.4.*.sol=1