abs(mixed number) Absolute value acos(float arg) Arc cosine acosh(float arg) Inverse hyperbolic cosine addcslashes(string str, string charlist) Quote string with slashes in a C style addslashes(string str) Quote string with slashes apache_child_terminate(void) Terminate apache process after this request apache_lookup_uri(string filename) Perform a partial request for the specified URI and return all info about it apache_note(string note_name [, string note_value]) Get and set apache request notes apache_setenv(string variable, string value [, bool walk_to_top]) Set an Apache subprocess_env variable array([mixed ...]) Create an array array_count_values(array input) Counts all the values of an array array_diff(array array1, array array2 [, array ...]) Computes the difference of arrays array_fill(int start_index, int num, mixed value) Fill an array with values array_filter(array input [, mixed callback]) Filters elements of an array using a callback function array_flip(array trans) Flip all the values of an array array_change_key_case(array input [, int case]) Returns an array with all string keys lowercased or uppercased array_chunk(array input, int size [, bool preserve_keys]) Split an array into chunks array_intersect(array array1, array array2 [, array ...]) Computes the intersection of arrays array_key_exists(mixed key, array search) Checks if the given key or index exists in the array array_keys(array input [, mixed search_value]) Return all the keys of an array array_map(mixed callback, array arr1 [, array arr2...]) Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays array_merge(array array1, array array2 [, array ...]) Merge two or more arrays array_merge_recursive(array array1, array array2 [, array ...]) Merge two or more arrays recursively array_multisort(array ar1 [, mixed arg [, mixed ... [, array ...]]]) Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays array_pad(array input, int pad_size, mixed pad_value) Pad array to the specified length with a value array_pop(array array) Pop the element off the end of array array_push(array array, mixed var [, mixed ...]) Push one or more elements onto the end of array array_rand(array input [, int num_req]) Pick one or more random entries out of an array array_reduce(array input, mixed callback [, int initial]) Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function array_reverse(array array [, bool preserve_keys]) Return an array with elements in reverse order array_search(mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict]) Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful array_shift(array array) Shift an element off the beginning of array array_slice(array array, int offset [, int length]) Extract a slice of the array array_splice(array input, int offset [, int length [, array replacement]]) Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else array_sum(array array) Calculate the sum of values in an array. array_unique(array array) Removes duplicate values from an array array_unshift(array array, mixed var [, mixed ...]) Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of array array_values(array input) Return all the values of an array array_walk(array array, string func [, mixed userdata]) Apply a user function to every member of an array arsort(array array [, int sort_flags]) Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association ascii2ebcdic(string ascii_str) Translate string from ASCII to EBCDIC asin(float arg) Arc sine asinh(float arg) Inverse hyperbolic sine asort(array array [, int sort_flags]) Sort an array and maintain index association aspell_check(int dictionary_link, string word) Check a word [deprecated] aspell_check_raw(int dictionary_link, string word) Check a word without changing its case or trying to trim it [deprecated] aspell_new(string master [, string personal]) Load a new dictionary [deprecated] aspell_suggest(int dictionary_link, string word) Suggest spellings of a word [deprecated] assert(string|bool assertion) Checks if assertion is FALSE assert_options(int what [, mixed value]) Set/get the various assert flags atan(float arg) Arc tangent atan2(float y, float x) arc tangent of two variables atanh(float arg) Inverse hyperbolic tangent base_convert(string number, int frombase, int tobase) Convert a number between arbitrary bases base64_decode(string encoded_data) Decodes data encoded with MIME base64 base64_encode(string data) Encodes data with MIME base64 basename(string path [, string suffix]) Returns filename component of path bcadd(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale]) Add two arbitrary precision numbers bccomp(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale]) Compare two arbitrary precision numbers bcdiv(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale]) Divide two arbitrary precision numbers bcmod(string left_operand, string modulus) Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number bcmul(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale]) Multiply two arbitrary precision number bcpow(string x, string y [, int scale]) Raise an arbitrary precision number to another bcscale(int scale) Set default scale parameter for all bc math functions bcsqrt(string operand [, int scale]) Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number bcsub(string left_operand, string right_operand [, int scale]) Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another bin2hex(string str) Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation bind_textdomain_codeset(string domain, string codeset) Specify the character encoding in which the messages from the DOMAIN message catalog will be returned bindec(string binary_string) Binary to decimal bindtextdomain(string domain, string directory) Sets the path for a domain bzclose(resource bz) Close a bzip2 file pointer bzcompress(string source [, int blocksize [, int workfactor]]) Compress a string into bzip2 encoded data bzdecompress(string source [, int small]) Decompresses bzip2 encoded data bzerrno(resource bz) Returns a bzip2 error number bzerror(resource bz) Returns the bzip2 error number and error string in an array bzerrstr(resource bz) Returns a bzip2 error string bzflush(resource bz) Force a write of all buffered data bzopen(string filename, string mode) Open a bzip2 compressed file bzread(resource bz [, int length]) Binary safe bzip2 file read bzwrite(resource bz, string data [, int length]) Binary safe bzip2 file write cal_days_in_month(int calendar, int month, int year) Return the number of days in a month for a given year and calendar cal_from_jd(int jd, int calendar) Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported calendar and return extended information cal_info(int calendar) Returns information about a particular calendar cal_to_jd(int calendar, int month, int day, int year) Converts from a supported calendar to Julian Day Count call_user_func(string function_name [, mixed parameter [, mixed ...]]) Call a user function given by the first parameter call_user_func_array(string function_name [, array paramarr]) Call a user function given with an array of parameters call_user_method(string method_name, object obj [, mixed parameter [, mixed ...]]) Call a user method on an specific object [deprecated] call_user_method_array(string method_name, object obj [, array paramarr]) Call a user method given with an array of parameters [deprecated] ccvs_add(string session, string invoice, string argtype, string argval) Add data to a transaction ccvs_auth(string session, string invoice) Perform credit authorization test on a transaction ccvs_command(string session, string type, string argval) Performs a command which is peculiar to a single protocol, and thus is not available in the general CCVS API ccvs_count(string session, string type) Find out how many transactions of a given type are stored in the system ccvs_delete(string session, string invoice) Delete a transaction ccvs_done(string sess) Terminate CCVS engine and do cleanup work ccvs_init(string name) Initialize CCVS for use ccvs_lookup(string session, string invoice, int inum) Look up an item of a particular type in the database # ccvs_new(string session, string invoice) Create a new, blank transaction ccvs_report(string session, string type) Return the status of the background communication process ccvs_return(string session, string invoice) Transfer funds from the merchant to the credit card holder ccvs_reverse(string session, string invoice) Perform a full reversal on an already-processed authorization ccvs_sale(string session, string invoice) Transfer funds from the credit card holder to the merchant ccvs_status(string session, string invoice) Check the status of an invoice ccvs_textvalue(string session) Get text return value for previous function call ccvs_void(string session, string invoice) Perform a full reversal on a completed transaction ceil(float value) Round fractions up class_exists(string class_name) Checks if the class has been defined clearstatcache(void) Clears file stat cache closedir(resource dir_handle) close directory handle closelog(void) Close connection to system logger com_addref(void) Increases the components reference counter. com_get(resource com_object, string property) Gets the value of a COM Component's property com_invoke(resource com_object, string function_name [, mixed function parameters, ...]) Calls a COM component's method. com_isenum(object com_module) Grabs an IEnumVariant com_load(string module name [, string server name [, int codepage]]) Creates a new reference to a COM component com_load_typelib(string typelib_name [, int case_insensitive]) Loads a Typelib com_propget(resource com_object, string property) Gets the value of a COM Component's property com_propput(resource com_object, string property, mixed value) Assigns a value to a COM component's property com_propset(resource com_object, string property, mixed value) Assigns a value to a COM component's property com_release(void) Decreases the components reference counter. com_set(resource com_object, string property, mixed value) Assigns a value to a COM component's property compact(mixed varname [, mixed ...]) Create array containing variables and their values connection_aborted(void) Returns TRUE if client disconnected connection_status(void) Returns connection status bitfield connection_timeout(void) Return TRUE if script timed out constant(string name) Returns the value of a constant convert_cyr_string(string str, string from, string to) Convert from one Cyrillic character set to another copy(string source, string dest) Copies file cos(float arg) Cosine cosh(float arg) Hyperbolic cosine count(mixed var) Count elements in a variable count_chars(string string [, int mode]) Return information about characters used in a string cpdf_add_annotation(int pdf document, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string title, string content [, int mode]) Adds annotation cpdf_add_outline(int pdf document, string text) Adds bookmark for current page cpdf_arc(int pdf document, float x-coor, float y-coor, float radius, float start, float end [, int mode]) Draws an arc cpdf_begin_text(int pdf document) Starts text section cpdf_circle(int pdf document, float x-coor, float y-coor, float radius [, int mode]) Draw a circle cpdf_clip(int pdf document) Clips to current path cpdf_close(int pdf document) Closes the pdf document cpdf_closepath(int pdf document) Close path cpdf_closepath_fill_stroke(int pdf document) Close, fill and stroke current path cpdf_closepath_stroke(int pdf document) Close path and draw line along path cpdf_continue_text(int pdf document, string text) Output text in next line cpdf_curveto(int pdf document, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3 [, int mode]) Draws a curve cpdf_end_text(int pdf document) Ends text section cpdf_fill(int pdf document) Fill current path cpdf_fill_stroke(int pdf document) Fill and stroke current path cpdf_finalize(int pdf document) Ends document cpdf_finalize_page(int pdf document, int page number) Ends page cpdf_global_set_document_limits(int maxpages, int maxfonts, int maximages, int maxannotations, int maxobjects) Sets document limits for any pdf document cpdf_import_jpeg(int pdf document, string file name, float x-coor, float y-coor, float angle, float width, float height, float x-scale, float y-scale [, int mode]) Opens a JPEG image cpdf_lineto(int pdf document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode]) Draws a line cpdf_moveto(int pdf document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode]) Sets current point cpdf_newpath(int pdf document) Starts a new path cpdf_open(int compression [, string filename]) Opens a new pdf document cpdf_output_buffer(int pdf document) Outputs the pdf document in memory buffer cpdf_page_init(int pdf document, int page number, int orientation, float height, float width [, float unit]) Starts new page cpdf_place_inline_image(int pdf document, int image, float x-coor, float y-coor, float angle, float width, float height [, int mode]) Places an image on the page cpdf_rect(int pdf document, float x-coor, float y-coor, float width, float height [, int mode]) Draw a rectangle cpdf_restore(int pdf document) Restores formerly saved environment cpdf_rlineto(int pdf document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode]) Draws a line cpdf_rmoveto(int pdf document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode]) Sets current point cpdf_rotate(int pdf document, float angle) Sets rotation cpdf_rotate_text(int pdfdoc, float angle) Sets text rotation angle cpdf_save(int pdf document) Saves current environment cpdf_save_to_file(int pdf document, string filename) Writes the pdf document into a file cpdf_scale(int pdf document, float x-scale, float y-scale) Sets scaling cpdf_set_action_url(int pdfdoc, float xll, float yll, float xur, float xur, string url [, int mode]) Sets hyperlink cpdf_set_creator(string creator) Sets the creator field in the pdf document cpdf_set_current_page(int pdf document, int page number) Sets current page cpdf_set_font(int pdf document, string font name, float size, string encoding) Select the current font face and size cpdf_set_font_directories(int pdfdoc, string pfmdir, string pfbdir) Sets directories to search when using external fonts cpdf_set_font_map_file(int pdfdoc, string filename) Sets fontname to filename translation map when using external fonts cpdf_set_horiz_scaling(int pdf document, float scale) Sets horizontal scaling of text cpdf_set_char_spacing(int pdf document, float space) Sets character spacing cpdf_set_keywords(string keywords) Sets the keywords field of the pdf document cpdf_set_leading(int pdf document, float distance) Sets distance between text lines cpdf_set_page_animation(int pdf document, int transition, float duration) Sets duration between pages cpdf_set_subject(string subject) Sets the subject field of the pdf document cpdf_set_text_matrix(int pdf document, array matrix) Sets the text matrix cpdf_set_text_pos(int pdf document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode]) Sets text position cpdf_set_text_rendering(int pdf document, int mode) Determines how text is rendered cpdf_set_text_rise(int pdf document, float value) Sets the text rise cpdf_set_title(string title) Sets the title field of the pdf document cpdf_set_viewer_preferences(int pdfdoc, array preferences) How to show the document in the viewer cpdf_set_word_spacing(int pdf document, float space) Sets spacing between words cpdf_setdash(int pdf document, float white, float black) Sets dash pattern cpdf_setflat(int pdf document, float value) Sets flatness cpdf_setgray(int pdf document, float gray value) Sets drawing and filling color to gray value cpdf_setgray_fill(int pdf document, float value) Sets filling color to gray value cpdf_setgray_stroke(int pdf document, float gray value) Sets drawing color to gray value cpdf_setlinecap(int pdf document, int value) Sets linecap parameter cpdf_setlinejoin(int pdf document, long value) Sets linejoin parameter cpdf_setlinewidth(int pdf document, float width) Sets line width cpdf_setmiterlimit(int pdf document, float value) Sets miter limit cpdf_setrgbcolor(int pdf document, float red value, float green value, float blue value) Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value cpdf_setrgbcolor_fill(int pdf document, float red value, float green value, float blue value) Sets filling color to rgb color value cpdf_setrgbcolor_stroke(int pdf document, float red value, float green value, float blue value) Sets drawing color to rgb color value cpdf_show(int pdf document, string text) Output text at current position cpdf_show_xy(int pdf document, string text, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode]) Output text at position cpdf_stringwidth(int pdf document, string text) Returns width of text in current font cpdf_stroke(int pdf document) Draw line along path cpdf_text(int pdf document, string text, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode [, float orientation [, int alignmode]]]) Output text with parameters cpdf_translate(int pdf document, float x-coor, float y-coor [, int mode]) Sets origin of coordinate system crack_closedict([resource dictionary]) Closes an open CrackLib dictionary crack_getlastmessage(void) Returns the message from the last obscure check crack_check([resource dictionary, string password]) Performs an obscure check with the given password crack_opendict(string dictionary) Opens a new CrackLib dictionary crc32(string str) Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string create_function(string args, string code) Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function crypt(string str [, string salt]) One-way string encryption (hashing) ctype_alnum(string text) Check for alphanumeric character(s) ctype_alpha(string text) Check for alphabetic character(s) ctype_cntrl(string text) Check for control character(s) ctype_digit(string text) Check for numeric character(s) ctype_graph(string text) Check for any printable character(s) except space ctype_lower(string text) Check for lowercase character(s) ctype_print(string text) Check for printable character(s) ctype_punct(string text) Check for any printable character which is not whitespace or an alphanumeric character ctype_space(string text) Check for whitespace character(s) ctype_upper(string text) Check for uppercase character(s) ctype_xdigit(string text) Check for character(s) representing a hexadecimal digit curl_close(int ch) Close a CURL session curl_errno(int ch) Return an integer containing the last error number curl_error(int ch) Return a string containing the last error for the current session curl_exec(int ch) Perform a CURL session curl_getinfo(int ch, int opt) Get information regarding a specific transfer curl_init([string url]) Initialize a CURL session curl_setopt(int ch, string option, mixed value) Set an option for a CURL transfer curl_version(void) Return the current CURL version current(array array) Return the current element in an array cybercash_base64_decode(string inbuff) base64 decode data for Cybercash cybercash_base64_encode(string inbuff) base64 encode data for Cybercash cybercash_decr(string wmk, string sk, string inbuff) Cybercash decrypt cybercash_encr(string wmk, string sk, string inbuff) Cybercash encrypt cybermut_creerformulairecm(string url_CM, string version, string TPE, string montant, string ref_commande, string texte_libre, string url_retour, string url_retour_ok, string url_retour_err, string langue, string code_societe, string texte_bouton) Generate HTML form of request for payment cybermut_creerreponsecm(string phrase) Generate the acknowledgement of delivery of the confirmation of payment cybermut_testmac(string code_MAC, string version, string TPE, string cdate, string montant, string ref_commande, string texte_libre, string code-retour) Make sure that there no was data diddling contained in the received message of confirmation cyrus_authenticate(resource connection [, string mechlist [, string service [, string user [, int minssf [, int maxssf]]]]]) Authenticate agaings a Cyrus IMAP server cyrus_bind(resource connection, array callbacks) Bind callbacks to a Cyrus IMAP connection cyrus_close(resource connection) Close connection to a cyrus server cyrus_connect([string host [, string port [, int flags]]]) Connect to a Cyrus IMAP server cyrus_query(resource connection, string query) Send a query to a Cyrus IMAP server cyrus_unbind(resource connection, string trigger_name) Unbind ... date(string format [, int timestamp]) Format a local time/date dba_close(int handle) Close database dba_delete(string key, int handle) Delete entry specified by key dba_exists(string key, int handle) Check whether key exists dba_fetch(string key, int handle) Fetch data specified by key dba_firstkey(int handle) Fetch first key dba_insert(string key, string value, int handle) Insert entry dba_nextkey(int handle) Fetch next key dba_open(string path, string mode, string handler [, ...]) Open database dba_optimize(int handle) Optimize database dba_popen(string path, string mode, string handler [, ...]) Open database persistently dba_replace(string key, string value, int handle) Replace or insert entry dba_sync(int handle) Synchronize database dbase_add_record(int dbase_identifier, array record) Add a record to a dBase database dbase_close(int dbase_identifier) Close a dBase database dbase_create(string filename, array fields) Creates a dBase database dbase_delete_record(int dbase_identifier, int record) Deletes a record from a dBase database dbase_get_record(int dbase_identifier, int record) Gets a record from a dBase database dbase_get_record_with_names(int dbase_identifier, int record) Gets a record from a dBase database as an associative array dbase_numfields(int dbase_identifier) Find out how many fields are in a dBase database dbase_numrecords(int dbase_identifier) Find out how many records are in a dBase database dbase_open(string filename, int flags) Opens a dBase database dbase_pack(int dbase_identifier) Packs a dBase database dbase_replace_record(int dbase_identifier, array record, int dbase_record_number) Replace a record in a dBase database dblist(void) Describes the DBM-compatible library being used dbmclose(int dbm_identifier) Closes a dbm database dbmdelete(int dbm_identifier, string key) Deletes the value for a key from a DBM database dbmexists(int dbm_identifier, string key) Tells if a value exists for a key in a DBM database dbmfetch(int dbm_identifier, string key) Fetches a value for a key from a DBM database dbmfirstkey(int dbm_identifier) Retrieves the first key from a DBM database dbminsert(int dbm_identifier, string key, string value) Inserts a value for a key in a DBM database dbmnextkey(int dbm_identifier, string key) Retrieves the next key from a DBM database dbmopen(string filename, string flags) Opens a DBM database dbmreplace(int dbm_identifier, string key, string value) Replaces the value for a key in a DBM database dbplus_add(resource relation, array tuple) Add a tuple to a relation dbplus_aql(string query [, string server [, string dbpath]]) Perform AQL query dbplus_close(resource relation) Close a relation dbplus_curr(resource relation, array tuple) Get current tuple from relation dbplus_errcode(int errno) Get error string for given errorcode or last error dbplus_errno(void) Get error code for last operation dbplus_find(resource relation, array constraints, mixed tuple) Set a constraint on a relation dbplus_first(resource relation, array tuple) Get first tuple from relation dbplus_flush(resource relation) Flush all changes made on a relation dbplus_freealllocks(void) Free all locks held by this client dbplus_freelock(resource relation, string tname) Release write lock on tuple dbplus_freerlocks(resource relation) Free all tuple locks on given relation dbplus_getlock(resource relation, string tname) Get a write lock on a tuple dbplus_getunique(resource relation, int uniqueid) Get a id number unique to a relation dbplus_chdir([string newdir]) Get/Set database virtual current directory dbplus_info(resource relation, string key, array ) ??? dbplus_last(resource relation, array tuple) Get last tuple from relation dbplus_lockrel(resource relation) Request write lock on relation dbplus_next(resource relation, array ) Get next tuple from relation dbplus_open(string name) Open relation file dbplus_prev(resource relation, array tuple) Get previous tuple from relation dbplus_rcreate(string name, mixed domlist [, boolean overwrite]) Creates a new DB++ relation dbplus_rcrtexact(string name, resource relation, boolean overwrite) Creates an exact but empty copy of a relation including indices dbplus_rcrtlike(string name, resource relation, int flag) Creates an empty copy of a relation with default indices dbplus_resolve(string relation_name) Resolve host information for relation dbplus_restorepos(resource relation, array tuple) ??? dbplus_rchperm(resource relation, int mask, string user, string group) Change relation permissions dbplus_rkeys(resource relation, mixed domlist) Specify new primary key for a relation dbplus_ropen(string name) Open relation file local dbplus_rquery(string query, string dbpath) Perform local (raw) AQL query dbplus_rrename(resource relation, string name) Rename a relation dbplus_rsecindex(resource relation, mixed domlist, int type) Create a new secondary index for a relation dbplus_runlink(resource relation) Remove relation from filesystem dbplus_rzap(resource relation) Remove all tuples from relation dbplus_savepos(resource relation) ??? dbplus_setindex(resource relation, string idx_name) ??? dbplus_setindexbynumber(resource relation, int idx_number) ??? dbplus_sql(string query, string server, string dbpath) Perform SQL query dbplus_tcl(int sid, string script) Execute TCL code on server side dbplus_tremove(resource relation, array tuple [, array current]) Remove tuple and return new current tuple dbplus_undo(resource relation) ??? dbplus_undoprepare(resource relation) ??? dbplus_unlockrel(resource relation) Give up write lock on relation dbplus_unselect(resource relation) Remove a constraint from relation dbplus_update(resource relation, array old, array new) Update specified tuple in relation dbplus_xlockrel(resource relation) Request exclusive lock on relation dbplus_xunlockrel(resource relation) Free exclusive lock on relation dbx_close(object link_identifier) Close an open connection/database dbx_compare(array row_a, array row_b, string column_key [, int flags]) Compare two rows for sorting purposes dbx_connect(mixed module, string host, string database, string username, string password [, int persistent]) Open a connection/database dbx_error(object link_identifier) Report the error message of the latest function call in the module (not just in the connection) dbx_query(object link_identifier, string sql_statement [, long flags]) Send a query and fetch all results (if any) dbx_sort(object result, string user_compare_function) Sort a result from a dbx_query by a custom sort function dcgettext(string domain, string message, int category) Overrides the domain for a single lookup dcngettext(string domain, string msgid1, string msgid2, int n, int category) Plural version of dcgettext debugger_off(void) Disable internal PHP debugger debugger_on(string address) Enable internal PHP debugger decbin(int number) Decimal to binary decoct(int number) Decimal to octal define(string name, mixed value [, bool case_insensitive]) Defines a named constant. define_syslog_variables(void) Initializes all syslog related constants defined(string name) Checks whether a given named constant exists deg2rad(float number) Converts the number in degrees to the radian equivalent dechex(int number) Decimal to hexadecimal delete(string file) A dummy manual entry dgettext(string domain, string message) Override the current domain die(?) Alias of exit() dio_close(resource fd) Closes the file descriptor given by fd dio_fcntl(resource fd, int cmd [, mixed arg]) Performs a c library fcntl on fd dio_open(string filename, int flags [, int mode]) Opens a new filename with specified permissions of flags and creation permissions of mode dio_read(resource fd [, int n]) Reads n bytes from fd and returns them, if n is not specified, reads 1k block dio_seek(resource fd, int pos, int whence) Seeks to pos on fd from whence dio_stat(resource fd) Gets stat information about the file descriptor fd dio_truncate(resource fd, int offset) Truncates file descriptor fd to offset bytes dio_write(resource fd, string data [, int len]) Writes data to fd with optional truncation at length dirname(string path) Returns directory name component of path disk_free_space(string directory) Returns available space in directory disk_total_space(string directory) Returns the total size of a directory diskfreespace(string directory) Alias of disk_free_space() dl(string library) Loads a PHP extension at runtime dngettext(string domain, string msgid1, string msgid2, int n) Plural version of dgettext DomAttribute->name(void) Returns name of attribute DomAttribute->specified(void) Checks if attribute is specified DomAttribute->value(void) Returns value of attribute DomDocument->create_attribute(string name, string value) Create new attribute DomDocument->create_cdata_section(string content) Create new cdata node DomDocument->create_comment(string content) Create new comment node DomDocument->create_element(string name) Create new element node DomDocument->create_entity_reference(string content) DomDocument->create_processing_instruction(string content) Creates new PI node DomDocument->create_text_node(string content) Create new text node DomDocument->doctype(void) Returns the document type DomDocument->document_element(void) Returns root element node DomDocument->dump_file(string filename [, bool compressionmode [, bool format]]) Dumps the internal XML tree back into a file DomDocument->dump_mem([bool format]) Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string DomDocument->get_element_by_id(string id) Searches for an element with a certain id DomDocument->get_elements_by_tagname(string name) DomDocument->html_dump_mem(void) Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string as HTML DomDocumentType->entities(void) Returns list of entities DomDocumentType->internal_subset(void) Returns internal subset DomDocumentType->name(void) Returns name of document type DomDocumentType->notations(void) Returns list of notations DomDocumentType->public_id(void) Returns public id of document type DomDocumentType->system_id(void) Returns system id of document type DomElement->get_attribute(string name) Returns value of attribute DomElement->get_attribute_node(object attr) Returns value of attribute DomElement->get_elements_by_tagname(string name) Adds new attribute DomElement->has_attribute(string name) Adds new attribute DomElement->remove_attribute(string name) Adds new attribute DomElement->set_attribute(string name, string value) Adds new attribute DomElement->set_attribute_node(object attr) Adds new attribute DomElement->tagname(void) Returns name of element DomNode->append_child(object newnode) Adds new child at the end of the children DomNode->append_sibling(object newnode) Adds new sibling to a node DomNode->attributes(void) Returns list of attributes DomNode->clone_node(void) Clones a node DomNode->dump_node(void) Dumps a single node DomNode->first_child(void) Returns first child of node DomNode->get_content(void) Gets content of node DomNode->has_child_nodes(void) Checks if node has children DomNode->insert_before(object newnode, object refnode) Inserts new node as child DomNode->is_blank_node(void) Checks if node is blank DomNode->last_child(void) Returns last child of node DomNode->next_sibling(void) Returns the next sibling of node DomNode->node_name(void) Returns name of node DomNode->node_type(void) Returns type of node DomNode->node_value(void) Returns value of a node DomNode->owner_document(void) Returns the document this node belongs to DomNode->parent_node(void) Returns the parent of the node DomNode->prefix(void) Returns name space prefix of node DomNode->previous_sibling(void) Returns the previous sibling of node DomNode->remove_child(object oldchild) Removes child from list of children DomNode->replace_child(object oldnode, object newnode) Replaces a child DomNode->replace_node(object newnode) Replaces node DomNode->set_content(void) Sets content of node DomNode->set_name(void) Sets name of node DomNode->unlink_node(void) Deletes node DomProcessingInstruction->data(void) Returns data of pi node DomProcessingInstruction->target(void) Returns target of pi node domxml_new_doc(string version) Creates new empty XML document domxml_open_file(string filename) Creates a DOM object from XML file domxml_open_mem(string str) Creates a DOM object of an XML document domxml_version(void) Get XML library version domxml_xmltree(string str) Creates a tree of PHP objects from an XML document dotnet_load(string assembly_name [, string datatype_name [, int codepage]]) Loads a DOTNET module doubleval(?) Alias of floatval() each(array array) Return the current key and value pair from an array and advance the array cursor easter_date(int year) Get UNIX timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year easter_days(int year) Get number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for a given year ebcdic2ascii(string ebcdic_str) Translate string from EBCDIC to ASCII echo(string arg1 [, string argn...]) Output one or more strings empty(mixed var) Determine whether a variable is set end(array array) Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element ereg(string pattern, string string [, array regs]) Regular expression match ereg_replace(string pattern, string replacement, string string) Replace regular expression eregi(string pattern, string string [, array regs]) case insensitive regular expression match eregi_replace(string pattern, string replacement, string string) replace regular expression case insensitive error_log(string message [, int message_type [, string destination [, string extra_headers]]]) send an error message somewhere error_reporting([int level]) set which PHP errors are reported escapeshellarg(string arg) escape a string to be used as a shell argument escapeshellcmd(string command) escape shell metacharacters eval(string code_str) Evaluate a string as PHP code exec(string command [, string array [, int return_var]]) Execute an external program exif_imagetype(string filename) Determine the type of an image exif_read_data(string filename [, string sections [, bool arrays [, bool thumbnail]]]) Read the EXIF headers from JPEG or TIFF exif_thumbnail(string filename [, int &width [, int &height]]) Retrieve the embedded thumbnail of a TIFF or JPEG image exit([string status]) Output a message and terminate the current script exp(float arg) e to the power of ... explode(string separator, string string [, int limit]) Split a string by string expm1(float number) Returns exp(number) - 1, computed in a way that accurate even when the value of number is close to zero extension_loaded(string name) Find out whether an extension is loaded extract(array var_array [, int extract_type [, string prefix]]) Import variables into the current symbol table from an array ezmlm_hash(string addr) Calculate the hash value needed by EZMLM fbsql_affected_rows([int link_identifier]) Get number of affected rows in previous FrontBase operation fbsql_autocommit(resource link_identifier [, bool OnOff]) Enable or disable autocommit fbsql_close([resource link_identifier]) Close FrontBase connection fbsql_commit([resource link_identifier]) Commits a transaction to the database fbsql_connect([string hostname [, string username [, string password]]]) Open a connection to a FrontBase Server fbsql_create_blob(string blob_data [, resource link_identifier]) Create a BLOB fbsql_create_clob(string clob_data [, resource link_identifier]) Create a CLOB fbsql_create_db(string database name [, resource link_identifier]) Create a FrontBase database fbsql_data_seek(resource result_identifier, int row_number) Move internal result pointer fbsql_database(resource link_identifier [, string database]) Get or set the database name used with a connection fbsql_database_password(resource link_identifier [, string database_password]) Sets or retrieves the password for a FrontBase database fbsql_db_query(string database, string query [, resource link_identifier]) Send a FrontBase query fbsql_db_status(string database_name [, resource link_identifier]) Get the status for a given database fbsql_drop_db(string database_name [, resource link_identifier]) Drop (delete) a FrontBase database fbsql_errno([resource link_identifier]) Returns the numerical value of the error message from previous FrontBase operation fbsql_error([resource link_identifier]) Returns the text of the error message from previous FrontBase operation fbsql_fetch_array(resource result [, int result_type]) Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both fbsql_fetch_assoc(resource result) Fetch a result row as an associative array fbsql_fetch_field(resource result [, int field_offset]) Get column information from a result and return as an object fbsql_fetch_lengths([resource result]) Get the length of each output in a result fbsql_fetch_object(resource result [, int result_type]) Fetch a result row as an object fbsql_fetch_row(resource result) Get a result row as an enumerated array fbsql_field_flags(resource result, int field_offset) Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result fbsql_field_len(resource result, int field_offset) Returns the length of the specified field fbsql_field_name(resource result, int field_index) Get the name of the specified field in a result fbsql_field_seek(resource result, int field_offset) Set result pointer to a specified field offset fbsql_field_table(resource result, int field_offset) Get name of the table the specified field is in fbsql_field_type(resource result, int field_offset) Get the type of the specified field in a result fbsql_free_result(int result) Free result memory fbsql_get_autostart_info([resource link_identifier]) No description given yet fbsql_hostname(resource link_identifier [, string host_name]) Get or set the host name used with a connection fbsql_change_user(string user, string password [, string database [, int link_identifier]]) Change logged in user of the active connection fbsql_insert_id([resource link_identifier]) Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation fbsql_list_dbs([resource link_identifier]) List databases available on a FrontBase server fbsql_list_fields(string database_name, string table_name [, resource link_identifier]) List FrontBase result fields fbsql_list_tables(string database [, resource link_identifier]) List tables in a FrontBase database fbsql_next_result(int result_id) Move the internal result pointer to the next result fbsql_num_fields(resource result) Get number of fields in result fbsql_num_rows(resource result) Get number of rows in result fbsql_password(resource link_identifier [, string password]) Get or set the user password used with a connection fbsql_pconnect([string hostname [, string username [, string password]]]) Open a persistent connection to a FrontBase Server fbsql_query(string query [, resource link_identifier]) Send a FrontBase query fbsql_read_blob(string blob_handle [, resource link_identifier]) Read a BLOB from the database fbsql_read_clob(string clob_handle [, resource link_identifier]) Read a CLOB from the database fbsql_result(resource result, int row [, mixed field]) Get result data fbsql_rollback([resource link_identifier]) Rollback a transaction to the database fbsql_select_db(string database_name [, resource link_identifier]) Select a FrontBase database fbsql_set_lob_mode(resource result, string database_name) Set the LOB retrieve mode for a FrontBase result set fbsql_set_transaction(resource link_identifier, int Locking, int Isolation) Set the transaction locking and isolation fbsql_start_db(string database_name [, resource link_identifier]) Start a database on local or remote server fbsql_stop_db(string database_name [, resource link_identifier]) Stop a database on local or remote server fbsql_tablename(resource result, int i) Get table name of field fbsql_username(resource link_identifier [, string username]) Get or set the host user used with a connection fbsql_warnings([bool OnOff]) Enable or disable FrontBase warnings fclose(int fp) Closes an open file pointer fdf_add_template(int fdfdoc, int newpage, string filename, string template, int rename) Adds a template into the FDF document fdf_close(int fdf_document) Close an FDF document fdf_create(void) Create a new FDF document fdf_get_file(int fdf_document) Get the value of the /F key fdf_get_status(int fdf_document) Get the value of the /STATUS key fdf_get_value(int fdf_document, string fieldname) Get the value of a field fdf_next_field_name(int fdf_document [, string fieldname]) Get the next field name fdf_open(string filename) Open a FDF document fdf_save(string filename) Save a FDF document fdf_set_ap(int fdf_document, string field_name, int face, string filename, int page_number) Set the appearance of a field fdf_set_encoding(int fdf_document, string encoding) Sets FDF character encoding fdf_set_file(int fdf_document, string filename) Set the value of the /F key fdf_set_flags(int fdf_document, string fieldname, int whichFlags, int newFlags) Sets a flag of a field fdf_set_javascript_action(int fdf_document, string fieldname, int trigger, string script) Sets an javascript action of a field fdf_set_opt(int fdf_document, string fieldname, int element, string str1, string str2) Sets an option of a field fdf_set_status(int fdf_document, string status) Set the value of the /STATUS key fdf_set_submit_form_action(int fdf_document, string fieldname, int trigger, string script, int flags) Sets a submit form action of a field fdf_set_value(int fdf_document, string fieldname, string value, int isName) Set the value of a field feof(int fp) Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer fflush(int fp) Flushes the output to a file fgetc(int fp) Gets character from file pointer fgetcsv(int fp, int length [, string delimiter]) Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields fgets(int fp [, int length]) Gets line from file pointer fgetss(int fp, int length [, string allowable_tags]) Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags file(string filename [, int use_include_path]) Reads entire file into an array file_exists(string filename) Checks whether a file exists file_get_contents(string filename [, int use_include_path]) Reads entire file into a string file_get_wrapper_data(int fp) Retrieves header/meta data from "wrapped" file pointers file_register_wrapper(string protocol, string classname) Register a URL wrapper implemented as a PHP class fileatime(string filename) Gets last access time of file filectime(string filename) Gets inode change time of file filegroup(string filename) Gets file group fileinode(string filename) Gets file inode filemtime(string filename) Gets file modification time fileowner(string filename) Gets file owner fileperms(string filename) Gets file permissions filepro(string directory) Read and verify the map file filepro_fieldcount(void) Find out how many fields are in a filePro database filepro_fieldname(int field_number) Gets the name of a field filepro_fieldtype(int field_number) Gets the type of a field filepro_fieldwidth(int field_number) Gets the width of a field filepro_retrieve(int row_number, int field_number) Retrieves data from a filePro database filepro_rowcount(void) Find out how many rows are in a filePro database filesize(string filename) Gets file size filetype(string filename) Gets file type floatval(mixed var) Get float value of a variable flock(int fp, int operation [, int wouldblock]) Portable advisory file locking floor(float value) Round fractions down flush(void) Flush the output buffer fopen(string filename, string mode [, int use_include_path]) Opens file or URL fpassthru(int fp) Output all remaining data on a file pointer fputs(int fp, string str [, int length]) Writes to a file pointer fread(int fp, int length) Binary-safe file read FrenchToJD(int month, int day, int year) Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count fribidi_log2vis(string str, string direction, int charset) Convert a logical string to a visual one fscanf(int handle, string format [, string var1]) Parses input from a file according to a format fseek(int fp, int offset [, int whence]) Seeks on a file pointer fsockopen(string hostname, int port [, int errno [, string errstr [, float timeout]]]) Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection fstat(int fp) Gets information about a file using an open file pointer ftell(int fp) Tells file pointer read/write position ftok(string pathname, string proj) Convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key ftp_cdup(resource ftp_stream) Changes to the parent directory ftp_close(resource ftp_stream) Closes an FTP connection ftp_connect(string host [, int port [, int timeout]]) Opens up an FTP connection ftp_delete(resource ftp_stream, string path) Deletes a file on the FTP server ftp_exec(resource stream, string command) Request execution of a program on the FTP server ftp_fget(resource ftp_stream, resource fp, string remote_file, int mode) Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to an open file ftp_fput(resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, resource fp, int mode) Uploads from an open file to the FTP server ftp_get(resource ftp_stream, string local_file, string remote_file, int mode) Downloads a file from the FTP server ftp_get_option(resource stream, int option) Retrieves various runtime behaviours of the current FTP stream ftp_chdir(resource ftp_stream, string directory) Changes directories on a FTP server ftp_login(resource ftp_stream, string username, string password) Logs in an FTP connection ftp_mdtm(resource ftp_stream, string remote_file) Returns the last modified time of the given file ftp_mkdir(resource ftp_stream, string directory) Creates a directory ftp_nlist(resource ftp_stream, string directory) Returns a list of files in the given directory ftp_pasv(resource ftp_stream, bool pasv) Turns passive mode on or off ftp_put(resource ftp_stream, string remote_file, string local_file, int mode) Uploads a file to the FTP server ftp_pwd(resource ftp_stream) Returns the current directory name ftp_quit(resource ftp_stream) Closes an FTP connection ftp_rawlist(resource ftp_stream, string directory) Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory ftp_rename(resource ftp_stream, string from, string to) Renames a file on the FTP server ftp_rmdir(resource ftp_stream, string directory) Removes a directory ftp_set_option(resource stream, int option, mixed value) Set miscellaneous runtime FTP options ftp_site(resource ftp_stream, string cmd) Sends a SITE command to the server ftp_size(resource ftp_stream, string remote_file) Returns the size of the given file ftp_systype(resource ftp_stream) Returns the system type identifier of the remote FTP server ftruncate(int fp, int size) Truncates a file to a given length func_get_arg(int arg_num) Return an item from the argument list func_get_args(void) Returns an array comprising a function's argument list func_num_args(void) Returns the number of arguments passed to the function function_exists(string function_name) Return TRUE if the given function has been defined fwrite(int fp, string string [, int length]) Binary-safe file write get_browser([string user_agent]) Tells what the user's browser is capable of get_cfg_var(string varname) Gets the value of a PHP configuration option get_class(object obj) Returns the name of the class of an object get_class_methods(mixed class_name) Returns an array of class methods' names get_class_vars(string class_name) Returns an array of default properties of the class get_current_user(void) Gets the name of the owner of the current PHP script get_declared_classes(void) Returns an array with the name of the defined classes get_defined_constants(void) Returns an associative array with the names of all the constants and their values get_defined_functions(void) Returns an array of all defined functions get_defined_vars(void) Returns an array of all defined variables get_extension_funcs(string module_name) Returns an array with the names of the functions of a module get_html_translation_table(int table [, int quote_style]) Returns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars() and htmlentities() get_included_files(void) Returns an array with the names of included or required files get_loaded_extensions(void) Returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded get_magic_quotes_gpc(void) Gets the current active configuration setting of magic quotes gpc get_magic_quotes_runtime(void) Gets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime get_meta_tags(string filename [, int use_include_path]) Extracts all meta tag content attributes from a file and returns an array get_object_vars(object obj) Returns an associative array of object properties get_parent_class(mixed obj) Retrieves the parent class name for object or class get_required_files(void) Returns an array with the names of included or required files get_resource_type(resource handle) Returns the resource type getallheaders(void) Fetch all HTTP request headers getcwd(void) gets the current working directory getdate([int timestamp]) Get date/time information getenv(string varname) Gets the value of an environment variable gethostbyaddr(string ip_address) Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address gethostbyname(string hostname) Get the IP address corresponding to a given Internet host name gethostbynamel(string hostname) Get a list of IP addresses corresponding to a given Internet host name getimagesize(string filename [, array imageinfo]) Get the size of an image getlastmod(void) Gets time of last page modification getmxrr(string hostname, array mxhosts [, array weight]) Get MX records corresponding to a given Internet host name getmygid(void) Get PHP script owner's GID getmyinode(void) Gets the inode of the current script getmypid(void) Gets PHP's process ID getmyuid(void) Gets PHP script owner's UID getprotobyname(string name) Get protocol number associated with protocol name getprotobynumber(int number) Get protocol name associated with protocol number getrandmax(void) Show largest possible random value getrusage([int who]) Gets the current resource usages getservbyname(string service, string protocol) Get port number associated with an Internet service and protocol getservbyport(int port, string protocol) Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol gettext(string message) Lookup a message in the current domain gettimeofday(void) Get current time gettype(mixed var) Get the type of a variable gmdate(string format [, int timestamp]) Format a GMT/CUT date/time gmmktime(int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year [, int is_dst]) Get UNIX timestamp for a GMT date gmp_abs(resource a) Absolute value gmp_add(resource a, resource b) Add numbers gmp_and(resource a, resource b) Logical AND gmp_clrbit(resource &a, int index) Clear bit gmp_cmp(resource a, resource b) Compare numbers gmp_com(resource a) Calculates one's complement of a gmp_div(resource a, resource b) Divide numbers gmp_div_q(resource a, resource b [, int round]) Divide numbers gmp_div_qr(resource n, resource d [, int round]) Divide numbers and get quotient and remainder gmp_div_r(resource n, resource d [, int round]) Remainder of the division of numbers gmp_divexact(resource n, resource d) Exact division of numbers gmp_fact(int a) Factorial gmp_gcd(resource a, resource b) Calculate GCD gmp_gcdext(resource a, resource b) Calculate GCD and multipliers gmp_hamdist(resource a, resource b) Hamming distance gmp_init(mixed number) Create GMP number gmp_intval(resource gmpnumber) Convert GMP number to integer gmp_invert(resource a, resource b) Inverse by modulo gmp_jacobi(resource a, resource p) Jacobi symbol gmp_legendre(resource a, resource p) Legendre symbol gmp_mod(resource n, resource d) Modulo operation gmp_mul(resource a, resource b) Multiply numbers gmp_neg(resource a) Negate number gmp_or(resource a, resource b) Logical OR gmp_perfect_square(resource a) Perfect square check gmp_popcount(resource a) Population count gmp_pow(resource base, int exp) Raise number into power gmp_powm(resource base, resource exp, resource mod) Raise number into power with modulo gmp_prob_prime(resource a [, int reps]) Check if number is "probably prime" gmp_random(int limiter) Random number gmp_scan0(resource a, int start) Scan for 0 gmp_scan1(resource a, int start) Scan for 1 gmp_setbit(resource &a, int index [, bool set_clear]) Set bit gmp_sign(resource a) Sign of number gmp_sqrt(resource a) Square root gmp_strval(resource gmpnumber [, int base]) Convert GMP number to string gmp_sub(resource a, resource b) Subtract numbers gmp_xor(resource a, resource b) Logical XOR gmstrftime(string format [, int timestamp]) Format a GMT/CUT time/date according to locale settings GregorianToJD(int month, int day, int year) Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count gzclose(int zp) Close an open gz-file pointer gzcompress(string data [, int level]) Compress a string gzdeflate(string data [, int level]) Deflate a string gzencode(string data [, int level [, int encoding_mode]]) Create a gzip compressed string gzeof(int zp) Test for end-of-file on a gz-file pointer gzfile(string filename [, int use_include_path]) Read entire gz-file into an array gzgetc(int zp) Get character from gz-file pointer gzgets(int zp, int length) Get line from file pointer gzgetss(int zp, int length [, string allowable_tags]) Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags gzinflate(string data [, int length]) Inflate a deflated string gzopen(string filename, string mode [, int use_include_path]) Open gz-file gzpassthru(int zp) Output all remaining data on a gz-file pointer gzputs(int zp, string str [, int length]) Write to a gz-file pointer gzread(int zp, int length) Binary-safe gz-file read gzrewind(int zp) Rewind the position of a gz-file pointer gzseek(int zp, int offset) Seek on a gz-file pointer gztell(int zp) Tell gz-file pointer read/write position gzuncompress(string data [, int length]) Uncompress a deflated string gzwrite(int zp, string string [, int length]) Binary-safe gz-file write header(string string [, bool replace]) Send a raw HTTP header headers_sent(void) Returns TRUE if headers have been sent hebrev(string hebrew_text [, int max_chars_per_line]) Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text hebrevc(string hebrew_text [, int max_chars_per_line]) Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text with newline conversion hexdec(string hex_string) Hexadecimal to decimal highlight_file(string filename [, bool return]) Syntax highlighting of a file highlight_string(string str [, bool return]) Syntax highlighting of a string htmlentities(string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]]) Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities htmlspecialchars(string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]]) Convert special characters to HTML entities hw_Array2Objrec(array object_array) convert attributes from object array to object record hw_Close(int connection) closes the Hyperwave connection hw_Connect(string host, int port, string username, string password) opens a connection hw_connection_info(int link) Prints information about the connection to Hyperwave server hw_Cp(int connection, array object_id_array, int destination id) copies objects hw_Deleteobject(int connection, int object_to_delete) deletes object hw_DocByAnchor(int connection, int anchorID) object id object belonging to anchor hw_DocByAnchorObj(int connection, int anchorID) object record object belonging to anchor hw_Document_Attributes(int hw_document) object record of hw_document hw_Document_BodyTag(int hw_document) body tag of hw_document hw_Document_Content(int hw_document) returns content of hw_document hw_Document_SetContent(int hw_document, string content) sets/replaces content of hw_document hw_Document_Size(int hw_document) size of hw_document hw_dummy(int link, int id, int msgid) Hyperwave dummy function hw_EditText(int connection, int hw_document) retrieve text document hw_Error(int connection) error number hw_ErrorMsg(int connection) returns error message hw_Free_Document(int hw_document) frees hw_document hw_GetAndLock(int connection, int objectID) return bject record and lock object hw_GetAnchors(int connection, int objectID) object ids of anchors of document hw_GetAnchorsObj(int connection, int objectID) object records of anchors of document hw_GetChildColl(int connection, int objectID) object ids of child collections hw_GetChildCollObj(int connection, int objectID) object records of child collections hw_GetChildDocColl(int connection, int objectID) object ids of child documents of collection hw_GetChildDocCollObj(int connection, int objectID) object records of child documents of collection hw_GetObject(int connection, [int|array] objectID, string query) object record hw_GetObjectByQuery(int connection, string query, int max_hits) search object hw_GetObjectByQueryColl(int connection, int objectID, string query, int max_hits) search object in collection hw_GetObjectByQueryCollObj(int connection, int objectID, string query, int max_hits) search object in collection hw_GetObjectByQueryObj(int connection, string query, int max_hits) search object hw_GetParents(int connection, int objectID) object ids of parents hw_GetParentsObj(int connection, int objectID) object records of parents hw_getrellink(int link, int rootid, int sourceid, int destid) Get link from source to dest relative to rootid hw_GetRemote(int connection, int objectID) Gets a remote document hw_GetRemoteChildren(int connection, string object record) Gets children of remote document hw_GetSrcByDestObj(int connection, int objectID) Returns anchors pointing at object hw_GetText(int connection, int objectID [, mixed rootID/prefix]) retrieve text document hw_getusername(int connection) name of currently logged in user hw_changeobject(int link, int objid, array attributes) Changes attributes of an object (obsolete) hw_Children(int connection, int objectID) object ids of children hw_ChildrenObj(int connection, int objectID) object records of children hw_Identify(string username, string password) identifies as user hw_InCollections(int connection, array object_id_array, array collection_id_array, int return_collections) check if object ids in collections hw_Info(int connection) info about connection hw_InsColl(int connection, int objectID, array object_array) insert collection hw_InsDoc(int connection, int parentID, string object_record, string text) insert document hw_insertanchors(int hwdoc, array anchorecs, array dest [, array urlprefixes]) Inserts only anchors into text hw_InsertDocument(int connection, int parent_id, int hw_document) upload any document hw_InsertObject(int connection, string object rec, string parameter) inserts an object record hw_mapid(int connection, int server id, int object id) Maps global id on virtual local id hw_Modifyobject(int connection, int object_to_change, array remove, array add, int mode) modifies object record hw_Mv(int connection, array object id array, int source id, int destination id) moves objects hw_New_Document(string object_record, string document_data, int document_size) create new document hw_Objrec2Array(string object_record [, array format]) convert attributes from object record to object array hw_Output_Document(int hw_document) prints hw_document hw_pConnect(string host, int port, string username, string password) make a persistent database connection hw_PipeDocument(int connection, int objectID) retrieve any document hw_Root() root object id hw_setlinkroot(int link, int rootid) Set the id to which links are calculated hw_stat(int link) Returns status string hw_Unlock(int connection, int objectID) unlock object hw_Who(int connection) List of currently logged in users hwapi_hgcsp(string hostname [, int port]) Returns object of class hw_api hypot(float num1, float num2) Returns sqrt( num1*num1 + num2*num2) chdir(string directory) change directory checkdate(int month, int day, int year) Validate a gregorian date/time checkdnsrr(string host [, string type]) Check DNS records corresponding to a given Internet host name or IP address chgrp(string filename, mixed group) Changes file group chmod(string filename, int mode) Changes file mode chop(?) Alias of rtrim() chown(string filename, mixed user) Changes file owner chr(int ascii) Return a specific character chroot(string directory) change the root directory chunk_split(string body [, int chunklen [, string end]]) Split a string into smaller chunks ibase_blob_add(int blob_id, string data) Add data into created blob ibase_blob_cancel(int blob_id) Cancel creating blob ibase_blob_close(int blob_id) Close blob ibase_blob_create([int link_identifier]) Create blob for adding data ibase_blob_echo(string blob_id_str) Output blob contents to browser ibase_blob_get(int blob_id, int len) Get len bytes data from open blob ibase_blob_import([int link_identifier, int file_id]) Create blob, copy file in it, and close it ibase_blob_info(string blob_id_str) Return blob length and other useful info ibase_blob_open(string blob_id) Open blob for retrieving data parts ibase_close([int connection_id]) Close a connection to an InterBase database ibase_commit([int link_identifier, int trans_number]) Commit a transaction ibase_connect(string database [, string username [, string password [, string charset [, int buffers [, int dialect [, string role]]]]]]) Open a connection to an InterBase database ibase_errmsg(void) Returns error messages ibase_execute(int query [, int bind_args]) Execute a previously prepared query ibase_fetch_object(int result_id) Get an object from a InterBase database ibase_fetch_row(int result_identifier) Fetch a row from an InterBase database ibase_field_info(int result, int field number) Get information about a field ibase_free_query(int query) Free memory allocated by a prepared query ibase_free_result(int result_identifier) Free a result set ibase_num_fields(int result_id) Get the number of fields in a result set ibase_pconnect(string database [, string username [, string password [, string charset [, int buffers [, int dialect [, string role]]]]]]) Creates an persistent connection to an InterBase database ibase_prepare([int link_identifier, string query]) Prepare a query for later binding of parameter placeholders and execution ibase_query([int link_identifier, string query [, int bind_args]]) Execute a query on an InterBase database ibase_rollback([int link_identifier, int trans_number]) Rolls back a transaction ibase_timefmt(string format [, int columntype]) Sets the format of timestamp, date and time type columns returned from queries ibase_trans([int trans_args [, int link_identifier]]) Begin a transaction icap_close(int icap_stream [, int flags]) Close an ICAP stream icap_create_calendar(int stream_id, string calendar) Create a new calendar icap_delete_calendar(int stream_id, string calendar) Delete a calendar icap_delete_event(int stream_id, int uid) Delete an event from an ICAP calendar icap_fetch_event(int stream_id, int event_id [, int options]) Fetches an event from the calendar stream/ icap_list_alarms(int stream_id, array date, array time) Return a list of events that has an alarm triggered at the given datetime icap_list_events(int stream_id, int begin_date [, int end_date]) Return a list of events between two given datetimes icap_open(string calendar, string username, string password, string options) Opens up an ICAP connection icap_rename_calendar(int stream_id, string old_name, string new_name) Rename a calendar icap_reopen(int stream_id, string calendar [, int options]) Reopen ICAP stream to new calendar icap_snooze(int stream_id, int uid) Snooze an alarm icap_store_event(int stream_id, object event) Store an event into an ICAP calendar iconv(string in_charset, string out_charset, string str) Convert string to requested character encoding iconv_get_encoding([string type]) Get current setting for character encoding conversion iconv_set_encoding(string type, string charset) Set current setting for character encoding conversion ifx_affected_rows(int result_id) Get number of rows affected by a query ifx_blobinfile_mode(int mode) Set the default blob mode for all select queries ifx_byteasvarchar(int mode) Set the default byte mode ifx_close([int link_identifier]) Close Informix connection ifx_connect([string database [, string userid [, string password]]]) Open Informix server connection ifx_copy_blob(int bid) Duplicates the given blob object ifx_create_blob(int type, int mode, string param) Creates an blob object ifx_create_char(string param) Creates an char object ifx_do(int result_id) Execute a previously prepared SQL-statement ifx_error(void) Returns error code of last Informix call ifx_errormsg([int errorcode]) Returns error message of last Informix call ifx_fetch_row(int result_id [, mixed position]) Get row as enumerated array ifx_fieldproperties(int result_id) List of SQL fieldproperties ifx_fieldtypes(int result_id) List of Informix SQL fields ifx_free_blob(int bid) Deletes the blob object ifx_free_char(int bid) Deletes the char object ifx_free_result(int result_id) Releases resources for the query ifx_get_blob(int bid) Return the content of a blob object ifx_get_char(int bid) Return the content of the char object ifx_getsqlca(int result_id) Get the contents of sqlca.sqlerrd[0..5] after a query ifx_htmltbl_result(int result_id [, string html_table_options]) Formats all rows of a query into a HTML table ifx_nullformat(int mode) Sets the default return value on a fetch row ifx_num_fields(int result_id) Returns the number of columns in the query ifx_num_rows(int result_id) Count the rows already fetched from a query ifx_pconnect([string database [, string userid [, string password]]]) Open persistent Informix connection ifx_prepare(string query, int conn_id [, int cursor_def, mixed blobidarray]) Prepare an SQL-statement for execution ifx_query(string query [, int link_identifier [, int cursor_type [, mixed blobidarray]]]) Send Informix query ifx_textasvarchar(int mode) Set the default text mode ifx_update_blob(int bid, string content) Updates the content of the blob object ifx_update_char(int bid, string content) Updates the content of the char object ifxus_close_slob(int bid) Deletes the slob object ifxus_create_slob(int mode) Creates an slob object and opens it ifxus_free_slob(int bid) Deletes the slob object ifxus_open_slob(long bid, int mode) Opens an slob object ifxus_read_slob(long bid, long nbytes) Reads nbytes of the slob object ifxus_seek_slob(long bid, int mode, long offset) Sets the current file or seek position ifxus_tell_slob(long bid) Returns the current file or seek position ifxus_write_slob(long bid, string content) Writes a string into the slob object ignore_user_abort([int setting]) Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution image2wbmp(resource image [, string filename [, int threshold]]) Output image to browser or file imagealphablending(resource image, bool blendmode) Set the blending mode for an image imagearc(resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int col) Draw a partial ellipse imagecolorallocate(resource image, int red, int green, int blue) Allocate a color for an image imagecolorat(resource image, int x, int y) Get the index of the color of a pixel imagecolorclosest(resource image, int red, int green, int blue) Get the index of the closest color to the specified color imagecolorclosestalpha(resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha) Get the index of the closest color to the specified color + alpha imagecolorclosesthwb(resource image, int red, int green, int blue) Get the index of the color which has the hue, white and blackness nearest to the given color imagecolordeallocate(resource image, int color) De-allocate a color for an image imagecolorexact(resource image, int red, int green, int blue) Get the index of the specified color imagecolorexactalpha(resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha) Get the index of the specified color + alpha imagecolorresolve(resource image, int red, int green, int blue) Get the index of the specified color or its closest possible alternative imagecolorresolvealpha(resource image, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha) Get the index of the specified color + alpha or its closest possible alternative imagecolorset(resource image, int index, int red, int green, int blue) Set the color for the specified palette index imagecolorsforindex(resource image, int index) Get the colors for an index imagecolorstotal(resource image) Find out the number of colors in an image's palette imagecolortransparent(resource image [, int color]) Define a color as transparent imagecopy(resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h) Copy part of an image imagecopymerge(resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int pct) Copy and merge part of an image imagecopymergegray(resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dst_x, int dst_y, int src_x, int src_y, int src_w, int src_h, int pct) Copy and merge part of an image with gray scale imagecopyresampled(resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH) Copy and resize part of an image with resampling imagecopyresized(resource dst_im, resource src_im, int dstX, int dstY, int srcX, int srcY, int dstW, int dstH, int srcW, int srcH) Copy and resize part of an image imagecreate(int x_size, int y_size) Create a new palette based image imagecreatefromgd(string filename) Create a new image from GD file or URL imagecreatefromgd2(string filename) Create a new image from GD2 file or URL imagecreatefromgd2part(string filename, int srcX, int srcY, int width, int height) Create a new image from a given part of GD2 file or URL imagecreatefromgif(string filename) Create a new image from file or URL imagecreatefromjpeg(string filename) Create a new image from file or URL imagecreatefrompng(string filename) Create a new image from file or URL imagecreatefromstring(string image) Create a new image from the image stream in the string imagecreatefromwbmp(string filename) Create a new image from file or URL imagecreatefromxbm(string filename) Create a new image from file or URL imagecreatefromxpm(string filename) Create a new image from file or URL imagecreatetruecolor(int x_size, int y_size) Create a new true color image imagedashedline(resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col) Draw a dashed line imagedestroy(resource image) Destroy an image imageellipse(resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int col) Draw an ellipse imagefill(resource image, int x, int y, int col) Flood fill imagefilledarc(resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int s, int e, int col, int style) Draw a partial ellipse and fill it imagefilledellipse(resource image, int cx, int cy, int w, int h, int col) Draw a filled ellipse imagefilledpolygon(resource image, array points, int num_points, int col) Draw a filled polygon imagefilledrectangle(resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col) Draw a filled rectangle imagefilltoborder(resource image, int x, int y, int border, int col) Flood fill to specific color imagefontheight(int font) Get font height imagefontwidth(int font) Get font width imageftbbox(int size, int angle, string font_file, string text [, array extrainfo]) Give the bounding box of a text using fonts via freetype2 imagefttext(resource image, int size, int angle, int x, int y, int col, string font_file, string text [, array extrainfo]) Write text to the image using fonts using FreeType 2 imagegammacorrect(resource image, float inputgamma, float outputgamma) Apply a gamma correction to a GD image imagegd(resource image [, string filename]) Output GD image to browser or file imagegd2(resource image [, string filename]) Output GD2 image to browser or file imagegif(resource image [, string filename]) Output image to browser or file imagechar(resource image, int font, int x, int y, string c, int col) Draw a character horizontally imagecharup(resource image, int font, int x, int y, string c, int col) Draw a character vertically imageinterlace(resource image [, int interlace]) Enable or disable interlace imagejpeg(resource image [, string filename [, int quality]]) Output image to browser or file imageline(resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col) Draw a line imageloadfont(string file) Load a new font imagepalettecopy(resource destination, resource source) Copy the palette from one image to another imagepng(resource image [, string filename]) Output a PNG image to either the browser or a file imagepolygon(resource image, array points, int num_points, int col) Draw a polygon imagepsbbox(string text, int font, int size [, int space [, int tightness [, float angle]]]) Give the bounding box of a text rectangle using PostScript Type1 fonts ImagePSCopyFont(int fontindex) Make a copy of an already loaded font for further modification imagepsencodefont(int font_index, string encodingfile) Change the character encoding vector of a font imagepsextendfont(int font_index, float extend) Extend or condense a font imagepsfreefont(int fontindex) Free memory used by a PostScript Type 1 font imagepsloadfont(string filename) Load a PostScript Type 1 font from file imagepsslantfont(int font_index, float slant) Slant a font imagepstext(resource image, string text, int font, int size, int foreground, int background, int x, int y [, int space [, int tightness [, float angle [, int antialias_steps]]]]) To draw a text string over an image using PostScript Type1 fonts imagerectangle(resource image, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int col) Draw a rectangle imagesetbrush(resource image, resource brush) Set the brush image for line drawing imagesetpixel(resource image, int x, int y, int col) Set a single pixel imagesetstyle(resource image, array style) Set the style for line drawing imagesetthickness(resource image, int thickness) Set the thickness for line drawing imagesettile(resource image, resource tile) Set the tile image for filling imagestring(resource image, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col) Draw a string horizontally imagestringup(resource image, int font, int x, int y, string s, int col) Draw a string vertically imagesx(resource image) Get image width imagesy(resource image) Get image height imagetruecolortopalette(resource image, bool dither, int ncolors) Convert a true color image to a palette image imagettfbbox(int size, int angle, string fontfile, string text) Give the bounding box of a text using TrueType fonts imagettftext(resource image, int size, int angle, int x, int y, int col, string fontfile, string text) Write text to the image using TrueType fonts imagetypes(void) Return the image types supported by this PHP build imagewbmp(resource image [, string filename [, int foreground]]) Output image to browser or file imap_8bit(string string) Convert an 8bit string to a quoted-printable string imap_alerts(void) This function returns all IMAP alert messages (if any) that have occurred during this page request or since the alert stack was reset imap_append(int imap_stream, string mbox, string message [, string flags]) Append a string message to a specified mailbox imap_base64(string text) Decode BASE64 encoded text imap_binary(string string) Convert an 8bit string to a base64 string imap_body(int imap_stream, int msg_number [, int flags]) Read the message body imap_bodystruct(int stream_id, int msg_no, int section) Read the structure of a specified body section of a specific message imap_clearflag_full(int stream, string sequence, string flag, string options) Clears flags on messages imap_close(int imap_stream [, int flags]) Close an IMAP stream imap_createmailbox(int imap_stream, string mbox) Create a new mailbox imap_delete(int imap_stream, int msg_number [, int flags]) Mark a messge for deletion from current mailbox imap_deletemailbox(int imap_stream, string mbox) Delete a mailbox imap_errors(void) This function returns all of the IMAP errors (if any) that have occurred during this page request or since the error stack was reset. imap_expunge(int imap_stream) Delete all messages marked for deletion imap_fetch_overview(int imap_stream, string sequence [, int flags]) Read an overview of the information in the headers of the given message imap_fetchbody(int imap_stream, int msg_number, string part_number [, flags flags]) Fetch a particular section of the body of the message imap_fetchheader(int imap_stream, int msgno, int flags) Returns header for a message imap_fetchstructure(int imap_stream, int msg_number [, int flags]) Read the structure of a particular message imap_get_quota(int imap_stream, string quota_root) Retrieve the quota level settings, and usage statics per mailbox imap_getmailboxes(int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern) Read the list of mailboxes, returning detailed information on each one imap_getsubscribed(int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern) List all the subscribed mailboxes imap_header(int imap_stream, int msg_number [, int fromlength [, int subjectlength [, string defaulthost]]]) Read the header of the message imap_headerinfo(int imap_stream, int msg_number [, int fromlength [, int subjectlength [, string defaulthost]]]) Read the header of the message imap_headers(int imap_stream) Returns headers for all messages in a mailbox imap_check(int imap_stream) Check current mailbox imap_last_error(void) This function returns the last IMAP error (if any) that occurred during this page request imap_listmailbox(int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern) Read the list of mailboxes imap_listsubscribed(int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern) List all the subscribed mailboxes imap_mail(string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string cc [, string bcc [, string rpath]]]]) Send an email message imap_mail_compose(array envelope, array body) Create a MIME message based on given envelope and body sections imap_mail_copy(int imap_stream, string msglist, string mbox [, int flags]) Copy specified messages to a mailbox imap_mail_move(int imap_stream, string msglist, string mbox [, int flags]) Move specified messages to a mailbox imap_mailboxmsginfo(int imap_stream) Get information about the current mailbox imap_mime_header_decode(string text) Decode MIME header elements imap_msgno(int imap_stream, int uid) This function returns the message sequence number for the given UID imap_num_msg(int imap_stream) Gives the number of messages in the current mailbox imap_num_recent(int imap_stream) Gives the number of recent messages in current mailbox imap_open(string mailbox, string username, string password [, int flags]) Open an IMAP stream to a mailbox imap_ping(int imap_stream) Check if the IMAP stream is still active imap_popen(string mailbox, string user, string password [, int options]) Open a persistant IMAP stream to a mailbox imap_qprint(string string) Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string imap_renamemailbox(int imap_stream, string old_mbox, string new_mbox) Rename an old mailbox to new mailbox imap_reopen(int imap_stream, string mailbox [, string flags]) Reopen IMAP stream to new mailbox imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist(string address, string default_host) Parses an address string imap_rfc822_parse_headers(string headers [, string defaulthost]) Parse mail headers from a string imap_rfc822_write_address(string mailbox, string host, string personal) Returns a properly formatted email address given the mailbox, host, and personal info. imap_scanmailbox(int imap_stream, string ref, string pattern, string content) Read the list of mailboxes, takes a string to search for in the text of the mailbox imap_search(int imap_stream, string criteria, int flags) This function returns an array of messages matching the given search criteria imap_set_quota(int imap_stream, string quota_root, int quota_limit) Sets a quota for a given mailbox imap_setacl(int stream_id, string mailbox, string id, string rights) Sets the ACL for a giving mailbox imap_setflag_full(int stream, string sequence, string flag, string options) Sets flags on messages imap_sort(int stream, int criteria, int reverse, int options) Sort an array of message headers imap_status(int imap_stream, string mailbox, int options) This function returns status information on a mailbox other than the current one imap_subscribe(int imap_stream, string mbox) Subscribe to a mailbox imap_thread(int stream_id [, int flags]) Return threaded by REFERENCES tree imap_uid(int imap_stream, int msgno) This function returns the UID for the given message sequence number imap_undelete(int imap_stream, int msg_number) Unmark the message which is marked deleted imap_unsubscribe(int imap_stream, string mbox) Unsubscribe from a mailbox imap_utf7_decode(string text) Decodes a modified UTF-7 encoded string. imap_utf7_encode(string data) Converts 8bit data to modified UTF-7 text. imap_utf8(string text) Converts text to UTF8 implode(string glue, array pieces) Join array elements with a string import_request_variables(string types [, string prefix]) Import GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope in_array(mixed needle, array haystack [, bool strict]) Return TRUE if a value exists in an array ingres_autocommit([resource link]) Switch autocommit on or off ingres_close([resource link]) Close an Ingres II database connection ingres_commit([resource link]) Commit a transaction ingres_connect([string database [, string username [, string password]]]) Open a connection to an Ingres II database ingres_fetch_array([int result_type [, resource link]]) Fetch a row of result into an array ingres_fetch_object([int result_type [, resource link]]) Fetch a row of result into an object. ingres_fetch_row([resource link]) Fetch a row of result into an enumerated array ingres_field_length(int index [, resource link]) Get the length of a field ingres_field_name(int index [, resource link]) Get the name of a field in a query result. ingres_field_nullable(int index [, resource link]) Test if a field is nullable ingres_field_precision(int index [, resource link]) Get the precision of a field ingres_field_scale(int index [, resource link]) Get the scale of a field ingres_field_type(int index [, resource link]) Get the type of a field in a query result ingres_num_fields([resource link]) Get the number of fields returned by the last query ingres_num_rows([resource link]) Get the number of rows affected or returned by the last query ingres_pconnect([string database [, string username [, string password]]]) Open a persistent connection to an Ingres II database ingres_query(string query [, resource link]) Send a SQL query to Ingres II ingres_rollback([resource link]) Roll back a transaction ini_alter(string varname, string newvalue) Changes the value of a configuration option ini_get(string varname) Gets the value of a configuration option ini_get_all([string extension]) Gets all configuration options ini_restore(string varname) Restores the value of a configuration option ini_set(string varname, string newvalue) Sets the value of a configuration option intval(mixed var [, int base]) Get integer value of a variable ip2long(string ip_address) Converts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a proper address. iptcembed(string iptcdata, string jpeg_file_name [, int spool]) Embed binary IPTC data into a JPEG image iptcparse(string iptcblock) Parse a binary IPTC http://www.iptc.org/ block into single tags. ircg_disconnect(resource connection, string reason) Close connection to server ircg_fetch_error_msg(resource connection) Returns the error from previous ircg operation ircg_get_username(int connection) Get username for connection ircg_html_encode(string html_string) Encodes HTML preserving output ircg_channel_mode(resource connection, string channel, string mode_spec, string nick) Set channel mode flags for user ircg_ignore_add(resource connection, string nick) Add a user to your ignore list on a server ircg_ignore_del(resource connection, string nick) Remove a user from your ignore list on a server ircg_is_conn_alive(resource connection) Check connection status ircg_join(resource connection, string channel) Join a channel on a connected server ircg_kick(resource connection, string channel, string nick, string reason) Kick a user out of a channel on server ircg_lookup_format_messages(string name) Select a set of format strings for display of IRC messages ircg_msg(resource connection, string recipient, string message [, boolean suppress]) Send message to channel or user on server ircg_nick(resource connection, string nick) Change nickname on server ircg_nickname_escape(string nick) Encode special characters in nickname to be IRC-compliant ircg_nickname_unescape(string nick) Decodes encoded nickname ircg_notice(resource connection, string , string message) Send a notice to a user on server ircg_part(resource connection, string channel) Leave a channel on server ircg_pconnect(string username [, string server_ip [, int server_port [, string msg_format [, array ctcp_messages [, array user_settings]]]]]) Connect to an IRC server ircg_register_format_messages(string name, array messages) Register a set of format strings for display of IRC messages ircg_set_current(resource connection) Set current connection for output ircg_set_file(int connection, string path) Set logfile for connection ircg_set_on_die(int connection, string host, int port, string data) Set hostaction to be execute when connection dies ircg_topic(resource connection, string channel, string new_topic) Set topic for channel on server ircg_whois(resource connection, string nick) Query user information for nick on server is_a(object object, string class_name) Returns true if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents is_array(mixed var) Finds whether a variable is an array is_bool(mixed var) Finds out whether a variable is a boolean is_callable(mixed var [, bool syntax_only [, string callable_name]]) Find out whether the argument is a valid callable construct is_dir(string filename) Tells whether the filename is a directory is_double(?) Alias of is_float() is_executable(string filename) Tells whether the filename is executable is_file(string filename) Tells whether the filename is a regular file is_finite(float val) is_float(mixed var) Finds whether a variable is a float is_infinite(float val) is_int(mixed var) Find whether a variable is an integer is_integer(?) Alias of is_int() is_link(string filename) Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link is_long(?) Alias of is_int() is_nan(float val) is_null(mixed var) Finds whether a variable is NULL is_numeric(mixed var) Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string is_object(mixed var) Finds whether a variable is an object is_readable(string filename) Tells whether the filename is readable is_real(?) Alias of is_float() is_resource(mixed var) Finds whether a variable is a resource is_scalar(mixed var) Finds whether a variable is a scalar is_string(mixed var) Finds whether a variable is a string is_subclass_of(object object, string class_name) Returns true if the object has this class as one of its parents is_uploaded_file(string filename) Tells whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST is_writable(string filename) Tells whether the filename is writable is_writeable(string filename) Tells whether the filename is writable isset(mixed var [, mixed var [, ...]]) Determine whether a variable is set java_last_exception_clear(void) Clear last Java exception java_last_exception_get(void) Get last Java exception JDDayOfWeek(int julianday, int mode) Returns the day of the week JDMonthName(int julianday, int mode) Returns a month name JDToFrench(int juliandaycount) Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar JDToGregorian(int julianday) Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date JDToJewish(int julianday) Converts a Julian Day Count to the Jewish Calendar JDToJulian(int julianday) Converts a Julian Day Count to a Julian Calendar Date jdtounix(int jday) Convert Julian Day to UNIX timestamp JewishToJD(int month, int day, int year) Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count join(string glue, array pieces) Join array elements with a string jpeg2wbmp(string jpegname, string wbmpname, int d_height, int d_width, int threshold) Convert JPEG image file to WBMP image file JulianToJD(int month, int day, int year) Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count key(array array) Fetch a key from an associative array krsort(array array [, int sort_flags]) Sort an array by key in reverse order ksort(array array [, int sort_flags]) Sort an array by key lcg_value(void) Combined linear congruential generator ldap_8859_to_t61(string value) Translate 8859 characters to t61 characters ldap_add(resource link_identifier, string dn, array entry) Add entries to LDAP directory ldap_bind(resource link_identifier [, string bind_rdn [, string bind_password]]) Bind to LDAP directory ldap_close(resource link_identifier) Close link to LDAP server ldap_compare(resource link_identifier, string dn, string attribute, string value) Compare value of attribute found in entry specified with DN ldap_connect([string hostname [, int port]]) Connect to an LDAP server ldap_count_entries(resource link_identifier, resource result_identifier) Count the number of entries in a search ldap_delete(resource link_identifier, string dn) Delete an entry from a directory ldap_dn2ufn(string dn) Convert DN to User Friendly Naming format ldap_err2str(int errno) Convert LDAP error number into string error message ldap_errno(resource link_identifier) Return the LDAP error number of the last LDAP command ldap_error(resource link_identifier) Return the LDAP error message of the last LDAP command ldap_explode_dn(string dn, int with_attrib) Splits DN into its component parts ldap_first_attribute(resource link_identifier, resource result_entry_identifier, int ber_identifier) Return first attribute ldap_first_entry(resource link_identifier, resource result_identifier) Return first result id ldap_first_reference(resource link, resource result) Return first reference ldap_free_result(resource result_identifier) Free result memory ldap_get_attributes(resource link_identifier, resource result_entry_identifier) Get attributes from a search result entry ldap_get_dn(resource link_identifier, resource result_entry_identifier) Get the DN of a result entry ldap_get_entries(resource link_identifier, resource result_identifier) Get all result entries ldap_get_option(resource link_identifier, int option, mixed retval) Get the current value for given option ldap_get_values(resource link_identifier, resource result_entry_identifier, string attribute) Get all values from a result entry ldap_get_values_len(resource link_identifier, resource result_entry_identifier, string attribute) Get all binary values from a result entry ldap_list(resource link_identifier, string base_dn, string filter [, array attributes [, int attrsonly [, int sizelimit [, int timelimit [, int deref]]]]]) Single-level search ldap_mod_add(resource link_identifier, string dn, array entry) Add attribute values to current attributes ldap_mod_del(resource link_identifier, string dn, array entry) Delete attribute values from current attributes ldap_mod_replace(resoure link_identifier, string dn, array entry) Replace attribute values with new ones ldap_modify(resource link_identifier, string dn, array entry) Modify an LDAP entry ldap_next_attribute(resource link_identifier, resource result_entry_identifier, resource ber_identifier) Get the next attribute in result ldap_next_entry(resource link_identifier, resource result_entry_identifier) Get next result entry ldap_next_reference(resource link, resource entry) Get next reference ldap_parse_reference(resource link, resource entry, array referrals) Extract information from reference entry ldap_parse_result(resource link, resource result, int errcode, string matcheddn, string errmsg, array referrals) Extract information from result ldap_read(resource link_identifier, string base_dn, string filter [, array attributes [, int attrsonly [, int sizelimit [, int timelimit [, int deref]]]]]) Read an entry ldap_rename(resource link_identifier, string dn, string newrdn, string newparent, bool deleteoldrdn) Modify the name of an entry ldap_search(resource link_identifier, string base_dn, string filter [, array attributes [, int attrsonly [, int sizelimit [, int timelimit [, int deref]]]]]) Search LDAP tree ldap_set_option(resource link_identifier, int option, mixed newval) Set the value of the given option ldap_set_rebind_proc(resource link, string callback) Set a callback function to do re-binds on referral chasing. ldap_sort(resource link, resource result, string sortfilter) Sort LDAP result entries ldap_start_tls(resource link) Start TLS ldap_t61_to_8859(string value) Translate t61 characters to 8859 characters ldap_unbind(resource link_identifier) Unbind from LDAP directory leak(int bytes) Leak memory levenshtein(string str1, string str2) Calculate Levenshtein distance between two strings link(string target, string link) Create a hard link linkinfo(string path) Gets information about a link list(mixed ...) Assign variables as if they were an array localeconv(void) Get numeric formatting information localtime([int timestamp [, bool is_associative]]) Get the local time log(float arg) Natural logarithm log10(float arg) Base-10 logarithm log1p(float number) Returns log(1 + number), computed in a way that accurate even when the val ue of number is close to zero long2ip(int proper_address) Converts an (IPv4) Internet network address into a string in Internet standard dotted format lstat(string filename) Gives information about a file or symbolic link ltrim(string str [, string charlist]) Strip whitespace from the beginning of a string mail(string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]]) send mail mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding(resource fp) Figures out the best way of encoding the content read from the file pointer fp, which must be seek-able mailparse_msg_create(void) Returns a handle that can be used to parse a message mailparse_msg_extract_part(resource rfc2045, string msgbody [, string callbackfunc]) Extracts/decodes a message section. If callbackfunc is not specified, the contents will be sent to "stdout" mailparse_msg_extract_part_file(resource rfc2045, string filename [, string callbackfunc]) Extracts/decodes a message section, decoding the transfer encoding mailparse_msg_free(resource rfc2045buf) Frees a handle allocated by mailparse_msg_crea mailparse_msg_get_part(resource rfc2045, string mimesection) Returns a handle on a given section in a mimemessage mailparse_msg_get_part_data(resource rfc2045) Returns an associative array of info about the message mailparse_msg_get_structure(resource rfc2045) Returns an array of mime section names in the supplied message mailparse_msg_parse(resource rfc2045buf, string data) Incrementally parse data into buffer mailparse_msg_parse_file(string filename) Parse file and return a resource representing the structure mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses(string addresses) Parse addresses and returns a hash containing that data mailparse_stream_encode(resource sourcefp, resource destfp, string encoding) Streams data from source file pointer, apply encoding and write to destfp mailparse_uudecode_all(resource fp) Scans the data from fp and extract each embedded uuencoded file. Returns an array listing filename information max(mixed arg1, mixed arg2, mixed argn) Find highest value mb_convert_encoding(string str, string to-encoding [, mixed from-encoding]) Convert character encoding mb_convert_kana(string str, string option [, mixed encoding]) Convert "kana" one from another ("zen-kaku" ,"han-kaku" and more) mb_convert_variables(string to-encoding, mixed from-encoding, mixed vars) Convert character code in variable(s) mb_decode_mimeheader(string str) Decode string in MIME header field mb_decode_numericentity(string str, array convmap [, string encoding]) Decode HTML numeric string reference to character mb_detect_encoding(string str [, mixed encoding-list]) Detect character encoding mb_detect_order([mixed encoding-list]) Set/Get character encoding detection order mb_encode_mimeheader(string str [, string charset [, string transfer-encoding [, string linefeed]]]) Encode string for MIME header mb_encode_numericentity(string str, array convmap [, string encoding]) Encode character to HTML numeric string reference mb_ereg(string pattern, string string [, array regs]) Regular expression match with multibyte support mb_ereg_match(string pattern, string string [, string option]) Regular expression match for multibyte string mb_ereg_replace(string pattern, string replacement, string string [, array option]) Replace regular expression with multibyte support mb_ereg_search([string pattern [, string option]]) Multibyte regular expression match for predefined multibyte string mb_ereg_search_getpos(void) Returns start point for next regular expression match mb_ereg_search_getregs(void) Retrive the result from the last multibyte regular expression match mb_ereg_search_init(string string [, string pattern [, string option]]) Setup string and regular expression for multibyte regular expression match mb_ereg_search_pos([string pattern [, string option]]) Return position and length of matched part of multibyte regular expression for predefined multibyte string mb_ereg_search_regs([string pattern [, string option]]) Returns the matched part of multibyte regular expression mb_ereg_search_setpos(void) Set start point of next regular expression match mb_eregi(string pattern, string string [, array regs]) Regular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support mb_eregi_replace(string pattern, string replace, string string) Replace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case mb_get_info([string type]) Get internal settings of mbstring mb_http_input([string type]) Detect HTTP input character encoding mb_http_output([string encoding]) Set/Get HTTP output character encoding mb_internal_encoding([string encoding]) Set/Get internal character encoding mb_language([string language]) Set/Get current language mb_output_handler(string contents, int status) Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer mb_parse_str(string encoded_string [, array result]) Parse GET/POST/COOKIE data and set global variable mb_preferred_mime_name(string encoding) Get MIME charset string mb_regex_encoding([string encoding]) Returns current encoding for multibyte regex as string mb_send_mail(string to, string subject, string message [, string additional_headers [, string additional_parameter]]) Send encoded mail. mb_split(string pattern, string string [, int limit]) Split multibyte string using regular expression mb_strcut(string str, int start [, int length [, string encoding]]) Get part of string mb_strimwidth(string str, int start, int width, string trimmarker [, string encoding]) Get truncated string with specified width mb_strlen(string str [, string encoding]) Get string length mb_strpos(string haystack, string needle [, int offset [, string encoding]]) Find position of first occurrence of string in a string mb_strrpos(string haystack, string needle [, string encoding]) Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string mb_strwidth(string str [, string encoding]) Return width of string mb_substitute_character([mixed substrchar]) Set/Get substitution character mb_substr(string str, int start [, int length [, string encoding]]) Get part of string mcal_append_event(int mcal_stream) Store a new event into an MCAL calendar mcal_close(int mcal_stream, int flags) Close an MCAL stream mcal_create_calendar(int stream, string calendar) Create a new MCAL calendar mcal_date_compare(int a_year, int a_month, int a_day, int b_year, int b_month, int b_day) Compares two dates mcal_date_valid(int year, int month, int day) Returns TRUE if the given year, month, day is a valid date mcal_day_of_week(int year, int month, int day) Returns the day of the week of the given date mcal_day_of_year(int year, int month, int day) Returns the day of the year of the given date mcal_days_in_month(int month, int leap year) Returns the number of days in the given month mcal_delete_calendar(int stream, string calendar) Delete an MCAL calendar mcal_delete_event(int mcal_stream [, int event_id]) Delete an event from an MCAL calendar mcal_event_add_attribute(int stream, string attribute, string value) Adds an attribute and a value to the streams global event structure mcal_event_init(int stream) Initializes a streams global event structure mcal_event_set_alarm(int stream, int alarm) Sets the alarm of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_category(int stream, string category) Sets the category of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_class(int stream, int class) Sets the class of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_description(int stream, string description) Sets the description of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_end(int stream, int year, int month [, int day [, int hour [, int min [, int sec]]]]) Sets the end date and time of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_recur_daily(int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval) Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_mday(int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval) Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_recur_monthly_wday(int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval) Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_recur_none(int stream) Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_recur_weekly(int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval, int weekdays) Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_recur_yearly(int stream, int year, int month, int day, int interval) Sets the recurrence of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_start(int stream, int year, int month [, int day [, int hour [, int min [, int sec]]]]) Sets the start date and time of the streams global event structure mcal_event_set_title(int stream, string title) Sets the title of the streams global event structure mcal_expunge(int stream) Deletes all events marked for being expunged. mcal_fetch_current_stream_event(int stream) Returns an object containing the current streams event structure mcal_fetch_event(int mcal_stream, int event_id [, int options]) Fetches an event from the calendar stream mcal_is_leap_year(int year) Returns if the given year is a leap year or not mcal_list_alarms(int mcal_stream [, int begin_year [, int begin_month [, int begin_day [, int end_year [, int end_month [, int end_day]]]]]]) Return a list of events that has an alarm triggered at the given datetime mcal_list_events(int mcal_stream, object begin_date [, object end_date]) Return a list of IDs for a date or a range of dates. mcal_next_recurrence(int stream, int weekstart, array next) Returns the next recurrence of the event mcal_open(string calendar, string username, string password [, int options]) Opens up an MCAL connection mcal_popen(string calendar, string username, string password [, int options]) Opens up a persistent MCAL connection mcal_rename_calendar(int stream, string old_name, string new_name) Rename an MCAL calendar mcal_reopen(string calendar [, int options]) Reopens an MCAL connection mcal_snooze(int id) Turn off an alarm for an event mcal_store_event(int mcal_stream) Modify an existing event in an MCAL calendar mcal_time_valid(int hour, int minutes, int seconds) Returns TRUE if the given year, month, day is a valid time mcal_week_of_year(int day, int month, int year) Returns the week number of the given date mcrypt_cbc(int cipher, string key, string data, int mode [, string iv]) Encrypt/decrypt data in CBC mode mcrypt_cfb(int cipher, string key, string data, int mode, string iv) Encrypt/decrypt data in CFB mode mcrypt_create_iv(int size, int source) Create an initialization vector (IV) from a random source mcrypt_decrypt(string cipher, string key, string data, string mode [, string iv]) Decrypts crypttext with given parameters mcrypt_ecb(int cipher, string key, string data, int mode) Encrypt/decrypt data in ECB mode mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name(resource td) Returns the name of the opened algorithm mcrypt_enc_get_block_size(resource td) Returns the blocksize of the opened algorithm mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size(resource td) Returns the size of the IV of the opened algorithm mcrypt_enc_get_key_size(resource td) Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name(resource td) Returns the name of the opened mode mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes(resource td) Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm(resource td) Checks whether the algorithm of the opened mode is a block algorithm mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode(resource td) Checks whether the encryption of the opened mode works on blocks mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode(resource td) Checks whether the opened mode outputs blocks mcrypt_enc_self_test(resource td) This function runs a self test on the opened module mcrypt_encrypt(string cipher, string key, string data, string mode [, string iv]) Encrypts plaintext with given parameters mcrypt_generic(resource td, string data) This function encrypts data mcrypt_generic_deinit(resource td) This function terminates encrypt specified by the descriptor td mcrypt_generic_end(resource td) This function terminates encryption mcrypt_generic_init(resource td, string key, string iv) This function initializes all buffers needed for encryption mcrypt_get_block_size(int cipher) Get the block size of the specified cipher mcrypt_get_cipher_name(int cipher) Get the name of the specified cipher mcrypt_get_iv_size(string cipher, string mode) Returns the size of the IV belonging to a specific cipher/mode combination mcrypt_get_key_size(int cipher) Get the key size of the specified cipher mcrypt_list_algorithms([string lib_dir]) Get an array of all supported ciphers mcrypt_list_modes([string lib_dir]) Get an array of all supported modes mcrypt_module_close(resource td) Free the descriptor td mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size(string algorithm [, string lib_dir]) Returns the blocksize of the specified algorithm mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size(string algorithm [, string lib_dir]) Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes(string algorithm [, string lib_dir]) Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm(string algorithm [, string lib_dir]) This function checks whether the specified algorithm is a block algorithm mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode(string mode [, string lib_dir]) This function returns if the the specified module is a block algorithm or not mcrypt_module_is_block_mode(string mode [, string lib_dir]) This function returns if the the specified mode outputs blocks or not mcrypt_module_open(string algorithm, string algorithm_directory, string mode, string mode_directory) This function opens the module of the algorithm and the mode to be used mcrypt_module_self_test(string algorithm [, string lib_dir]) This function runs a self test on the specified module mcrypt_ofb(int cipher, string key, string data, int mode, string iv) Encrypt/decrypt data in OFB mode md5(string str) Calculate the md5 hash of a string md5_file(string filename) Calculates the md5 hash of a given filename mdecrypt_generic(resource td, string data) This function decrypts data metaphone(string str) Calculate the metaphone key of a string method_exists(object object, string method_name) Checks if the class method exists mhash(int hash, string data [, string key]) Compute hash mhash_count(void) Get the highest available hash id mhash_get_block_size(int hash) Get the block size of the specified hash mhash_get_hash_name(int hash) Get the name of the specified hash mhash_keygen_s2k(int hash, string password, string salt, int bytes) Generates a key microtime(void) Return current UNIX timestamp with microseconds min(number arg1, number arg2 [, ...]) Find lowest value ming_setcubicthreshold(int threshold) Set cubic threshold (?) ming_setscale(int scale) Set scale (?) ming_useswfversion(int version) Use SWF version (?) mkdir(string pathname, int mode) Makes directory mktime(int hour, int minute, int second, int month, int day, int year [, int is_dst]) Get UNIX timestamp for a date move_uploaded_file(string filename, string destination) Moves an uploaded file to a new location msession_connect(string host, string port) Connect to msession server msession_count(void) Get session count msession_create(string session) Create a session msession_destroy(string name) Destroy a session msession_disconnect(void) Close connection to msession server msession_find(string name, string value) Find value msession_get(string session, string name, string value) Get value from session msession_get_array(string session) Get array of ... ? msession_getdata(string session) Get data ... ? msession_inc(string session, string name) Increment value in session msession_list(void) List ... ? msession_listvar(string name) List sessions with variable msession_lock(string name) Lock a session msession_plugin(string session, string val [, string param]) Call an escape function within the msession personality plugin msession_randstr(int param) Get random string msession_set(string session, string name, string value) Set value in session msession_set_array(string session, array tuples) Set array of ... msession_setdata(string session, string value) Set data ... ? msession_timeout(string session [, int param]) Set/get session timeout msession_uniq(int param) Get uniq id msession_unlock(string session, int key) Unlock a session msql(string database, string query, int link_identifier) Send mSQL query msql_affected_rows(int query_identifier) Returns number of affected rows msql_close(int link_identifier) Close mSQL connection msql_connect([string hostname [, string server [, string username [, string password]]]]) Open mSQL connection msql_create_db(string database name [, int link_identifier]) Create mSQL database msql_createdb(string database name [, int link_identifier]) Create mSQL database msql_data_seek(int query_identifier, int row_number) Move internal row pointer msql_dbname(int query_identifier, int i) Get current mSQL database name msql_drop_db(string database_name, int link_identifier) Drop (delete) mSQL database msql_dropdb(?) Drop (delete) mSQL database msql_error([int link_identifier]) Returns error message of last msql call msql_fetch_array(int query_identifier [, int result_type]) Fetch row as array msql_fetch_field(int query_identifier, int field_offset) Get field information msql_fetch_object(int query_identifier [, int result_type]) Fetch row as object msql_fetch_row(int query_identifier) Get row as enumerated array msql_field_seek(int query_identifier, int field_offset) Set field offset msql_fieldflags(int query_identifier, int i) Get field flags msql_fieldlen(int query_identifier, int i) Get field length msql_fieldname(int query_identifier, int field) Get field name msql_fieldtable(int query_identifier, int field) Get table name for field msql_fieldtype(int query_identifier, int i) Get field type msql_free_result(int query_identifier) Free result memory msql_freeresult(?) Free result memory msql_list_dbs(void) List mSQL databases on server msql_list_fields(string database, string tablename) List result fields msql_list_tables(string database) List tables in an mSQL database msql_listdbs(?) List mSQL databases on server msql_listfields(?) List result fields msql_listtables(?) List tables in an mSQL database msql_num_fields(int query_identifier) Get number of fields in result msql_num_rows(int query_identifier) Get number of rows in result msql_numfields(int query_identifier) Get number of fields in result msql_numrows(void) Get number of rows in result msql_pconnect([string server [, string username [, string password]]]) Open persistent mSQL connection msql_query(string query, int link_identifier) Send mSQL query msql_regcase(?) Make regular expression for case insensitive match msql_result(int query_identifier, int i, mixed field) Get result data msql_select_db(string database_name, int link_identifier) Select mSQL database msql_selectdb(?) Select mSQL database msql_tablename(int query_identifier, int field) Get table name of field mssql_bind(int stmt, string param_name, mixed var, int type [, int is_output [, int is_null [, int maxlen]]]) Adds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure mssql_close([int link_identifier]) Close MS SQL Server connection mssql_connect([string servername [, string username [, string password]]]) Open MS SQL server connection mssql_data_seek(int result_identifier, int row_number) Move internal row pointer mssql_execute(int stmt) Executes a stored procedure on a MS-SQL server database mssql_fetch_array(int result) Fetch row as array mssql_fetch_assoc(int result_id [, int result_type]) Returns an associative array of the current row in the result set specified by result_id mssql_fetch_batch(string result_index) Returns the next batch of records mssql_fetch_field(int result [, int field_offset]) Get field information mssql_fetch_object(int result) Fetch row as object mssql_fetch_row(int result) Get row as enumerated array mssql_field_length(int result [, int offset]) Get the length of a field mssql_field_name(int result [, int offset]) Get the name of a field mssql_field_seek(int result, int field_offset) Set field offset mssql_field_type(int result [, int offset]) Get the type of a field mssql_free_result(int result) Free result memory mssql_get_last_message(void) Returns the last message from server (over min_message_severity?) mssql_guid_string(string binary [, int short_format]) Converts a 16 byte binary GUID to a string mssql_init(string sp_name [, int conn_id]) Initializes a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure mssql_min_error_severity(int severity) Sets the lower error severity mssql_min_message_severity(int severity) Sets the lower message severity mssql_next_result(int result_id) Move the internal result pointer to the next result mssql_num_fields(int result) Get number of fields in result mssql_num_rows(string result) Get number of rows in result mssql_pconnect([string servername [, string username [, string password]]]) Open persistent MS SQL connection mssql_query(string query [, int link_identifier]) Send MS SQL query mssql_result(int result, int i, mixed field) Get result data mssql_rows_affected(int conn_id) Returns the number of records affected by the query mssql_select_db(string database_name [, int link_identifier]) Select MS SQL database mt_getrandmax(void) Show largest possible random value mt_rand([int min, int max]) Generate a better random value mt_srand(int seed) Seed the better random number generator muscat_close(resource muscat_handle) Shuts down the muscat session and releases any memory back to php. [Not back to the system, note!] muscat_get(resource muscat_handle) Gets a line back from the core muscat api. Returns a literal FALSE when there is no more to get (as opposed to ""). Use === FALSE or !== FALSE to check for this muscat_give(resource muscat_handle, string string) Sends string to the core muscat api muscat_setup(int size [, string muscat_dir]) Creates a new muscat session and returns the handle. Size is the ammount of memory in bytes to allocate for muscat muscat_dir is the muscat installation dir e.g. "/usr/local/empower", it defaults to the compile time muscat directory muscat_setup_net(string muscat_host, int port) Creates a new muscat session and returns the handle. muscat_host is the hostname to connect to port is the port number to connect to - actually takes exactly the same args as fsockopen mysql_affected_rows([resource link_identifier]) Get number of affected rows in previous MySQL operation mysql_close([resource link_identifier]) Close MySQL connection mysql_connect([string server [, string username [, string password [, bool new_link]]]]) Open a connection to a MySQL Server mysql_create_db(string database name [, resource link_identifier]) Create a MySQL database mysql_data_seek(resource result_identifier, int row_number) Move internal result pointer mysql_db_name(resource result, int row [, mixed field]) Get result data mysql_db_query(string database, string query [, resource link_identifier]) Send a MySQL query mysql_drop_db(string database_name [, resource link_identifier]) Drop (delete) a MySQL database mysql_errno([resource link_identifier]) Returns the numerical value of the error message from previous MySQL operation mysql_error([resource link_identifier]) Returns the text of the error message from previous MySQL operation mysql_escape_string(string unescaped_string) Escapes a string for use in a mysql_query. mysql_fetch_array(resource result [, int result_type]) Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both. mysql_fetch_assoc(resource result) Fetch a result row as an associative array mysql_fetch_field(resource result [, int field_offset]) Get column information from a result and return as an object mysql_fetch_lengths(resource result) Get the length of each output in a result mysql_fetch_object(resource result) Fetch a result row as an object mysql_fetch_row(resource result) Get a result row as an enumerated array mysql_field_flags(resource result, int field_offset) Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result mysql_field_len(resource result, int field_offset) Returns the length of the specified field mysql_field_name(resource result, int field_index) Get the name of the specified field in a result mysql_field_seek(resource result, int field_offset) Set result pointer to a specified field offset mysql_field_table(resource result, int field_offset) Get name of the table the specified field is in mysql_field_type(iresource result, int field_offset) Get the type of the specified field in a result mysql_free_result(resource result) Free result memory mysql_get_client_info(void) Get MySQL client info mysql_get_host_info([resource link_identifier]) Get MySQL host info mysql_get_proto_info([resource link_identifier]) Get MySQL protocol info mysql_get_server_info([resource link_identifier]) Get MySQL server info mysql_change_user(string user, string password [, string database [, resource link_identifier]]) Change logged in user of the active connection mysql_character_set_name([resource link_identifier]) Returns the name of the character set mysql_info([resource link_identifier]) Get information about the most recent query mysql_insert_id([resource link_identifier]) Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation mysql_list_dbs([resource link_identifier]) List databases available on a MySQL server mysql_list_fields(string database_name, string table_name [, resource link_identifier]) List MySQL result fields mysql_list_processes([resource link_identifier]) List MySQL processes mysql_list_tables(string database [, resource link_identifier]) List tables in a MySQL database mysql_num_fields(resource result) Get number of fields in result mysql_num_rows(resource result) Get number of rows in result mysql_pconnect([string server [, string username [, string password]]]) Open a persistent connection to a MySQL server mysql_ping([resource link_identifier]) Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no connection mysql_query(string query [, resource link_identifier [, int result_mode]]) Send a MySQL query mysql_real_escape_string(string unescaped_string [, resource link_identifier]) Escapes special characters in a string for use in a SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection. mysql_result(resource result, int row [, mixed field]) Get result data mysql_select_db(string database_name [, resource link_identifier]) Select a MySQL database mysql_stat([resource link_identifier]) Get current system status mysql_tablename(resource result, int i) Get table name of field mysql_thread_id([resource link_identifier]) Return the current thread id mysql_unbuffered_query(string query [, resource link_identifier [, int result_mode]]) Send an SQL query to MySQL, without fetching and buffering the result rows natcasesort(array array) Sort an array using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm natsort(array array) Sort an array using a "natural order" algorithm ncurses_addch(int ch) Add character at current position and advance cursor ncurses_addchnstr(string s, int n) Add attributed string with specified length at current position ncurses_addchstr(string s) Add attributed string at current position ncurses_addnstr(string s, int n) Add string with specified length at current position ncurses_addstr(string text) Output text at current position ncurses_assume_default_colors(int fg, int bg) Define default colors for color 0 ncurses_attroff(int attributes) Turn off the given attributes ncurses_attron(int attributes) Turn on the given attributes ncurses_attrset(int attributes) Set given attributes ncurses_baudrate(void) Returns baudrate of terminal ncurses_beep(void) Let the terminal beep ncurses_bkgd(int attrchar) Set background property for terminal screen ncurses_bkgdset(int attrchar) Control screen background ncurses_border(int left, int right, int top, int bottom, int tl_corner, int tr_corner, int bl_corner, int br_corner) Draw a border around the screen using attributed characters ncurses_can_change_color(void) Check if we can change terminals colors ncurses_cbreak(void) Switch of input buffering ncurses_clear(void) Clear screen ncurses_clrtobot(void) Clear screen from current position to bottom ncurses_clrtoeol(void) Clear screen from current position to end of line ncurses_color_set(int pair) Set fore- and background color ncurses_curs_set(int visibility) Set cursor state ncurses_def_prog_mode(void) Saves terminals (program) mode ncurses_def_shell_mode(void) Saves terminals (shell) mode ncurses_define_key(string definition, int keycode) Define a keycode ncurses_delay_output(int milliseconds) Delay output on terminal using padding characters ncurses_deleteln(void) Delete line at current position, move rest of screen up ncurses_delch(void) Delete character at current position, move rest of line left ncurses_delwin(resource window) Delete a ncurses window ncurses_doupdate(void) Write all prepared refreshes to terminal ncurses_echo(void) Activate keyboard input echo ncurses_echochar(int character) Single character output including refresh ncurses_end(void) Stop using ncurses, clean up the screen ncurses_erase(void) Erase terminal screen ncurses_erasechar(void) Returns current erase character ncurses_filter(void) ncurses_flash(void) Flash terminal screen (visual bell) ncurses_flushinp(void) Flush keyboard input buffer ncurses_getch(void) Read a character from keyboard ncurses_getmouse(array mevent) Reads mouse event ncurses_halfdelay(int tenth) Put terminal into halfdelay mode ncurses_has_colors(void) Check if terminal has colors ncurses_has_ic(void) Check for insert- and delete-capabilities ncurses_has_il(void) Check for line insert- and delete-capabilities ncurses_has_key(int keycode) Check for presence of a function key on terminal keyboard ncurses_hline(int charattr, int n) Draw a horizontal line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long ncurses_inch(void) Get character and attribute at current position ncurses_init(void) Initialize ncurses ncurses_init_color(int color, int r, int g, int b) Set new RGB value for color ncurses_init_pair(int pair, int fg, int bg) Allocate a color pair ncurses_insdelln(int count) Insert lines before current line scrolling down (negative numbers delete and scroll up) ncurses_insertln(void) Insert a line, move rest of screen down ncurses_insch(int character) Insert character moving rest of line including character at current position ncurses_insstr(string text) Insert string at current position, moving rest of line right ncurses_instr(string buffer) Reads string from terminal screen ncurses_isendwin(void) Ncurses is in endwin mode, normal screen output may be performed ncurses_keyok(int keycode, bool enable) Enable or disable a keycode ncurses_killchar(void) Returns current line kill character ncurses_longname(void) Returns terminals description ncurses_mouseinterval(int milliseconds) Set timeout for mouse button clicks ncurses_mousemask(int newmask, int oldmask) Sets mouse options ncurses_move(int y, int x) Move output position ncurses_mvaddch(int y, int x, int c) Move current position and add character ncurses_mvaddchnstr(int y, int x, string s, int n) Move position and add attrributed string with specified length ncurses_mvaddchstr(int y, int x, string s) Move position and add attributed string ncurses_mvaddnstr(int y, int x, string s, int n) Move position and add string with specified length ncurses_mvaddstr(int y, int x, string s) Move position and add string ncurses_mvcur(int old_y, int old_x, int new_y, int new_x) Move cursor immediately ncurses_mvdelch(int y, int x) Move position and delete character, shift rest of line left ncurses_mvgetch(int y, int x) Move position and get character at new position ncurses_mvhline(int y, int x, int attrchar, int n) Set new position and draw a horizontal line using an attributed character and max. n characters long ncurses_mvinch(int y, int x) Move position and get attributed character at new position ncurses_mvvline(int y, int x, int attrchar, int n) Set new position and draw a vertical line using an attributed character and max. n characters long ncurses_mvwaddstr(resource window, int y, int x, string text) Add string at new position in window ncurses_napms(int milliseconds) Sleep ncurses_newwin(int rows, int cols, int y, int x) Create a new window ncurses_nl(void) Translate newline and carriage return / line feed ncurses_nocbreak(void) Switch terminal to cooked mode ncurses_noecho(void) Switch off keyboard input echo ncurses_nonl(void) Do not translate newline and carriage return / line feed ncurses_noqiflush(void) Do not flush on signal characters ncurses_noraw(void) Switch terminal out of raw mode ncurses_putp(string text) ncurses_qiflush(void) Flush on signal characters ncurses_raw(void) Switch terminal into raw mode ncurses_refresh(int ch) Refresh screen ncurses_resetty(void) Restores saved terminal state ncurses_savetty(void) Saves terminal state ncurses_scr_dump(string filename) Dump screen content to file ncurses_scr_init(string filename) Initialize screen from file dump ncurses_scr_restore(string filename) Restore screen from file dump ncurses_scr_set(string filename) Inherit screen from file dump ncurses_scrl(int count) Scroll window content up or down without changing current position ncurses_slk_attr(void) Returns current soft label key attribute ncurses_slk_attroff(int intarg) ncurses_slk_attron(int intarg) ncurses_slk_attrset(int intarg) ncurses_slk_clear(void) Clears soft labels from screen ncurses_slk_color(int intarg) Sets color for soft label keys ncurses_slk_init(int format) Initializes soft label key functions ncurses_slk_noutrefresh(void) Copies soft label keys to virtual screen ncurses_slk_refresh(void) Copies soft label keys to screen ncurses_slk_restore(void) Restores soft label keys ncurses_slk_touch(void) Fources output when ncurses_slk_noutrefresh is performed ncurses_standend(void) Stop using 'standout' attribute ncurses_standout(void) Start using 'standout' attribute ncurses_start_color(void) Start using colors ncurses_termattrs(void) Returns a logical OR of all attribute flags supported by terminal ncurses_termname(void) Returns terminals (short)-name ncurses_timeout(int millisec) Set timeout for special key sequences ncurses_typeahead(int fd) Specify different filedescriptor for typeahead checking ncurses_ungetch(int keycode) Put a character back into the input stream ncurses_ungetmouse(array mevent) Pushes mouse event to queue ncurses_use_default_colors(void) Assign terminal default colors to color id -1 ncurses_use_env(bool flag) Control use of environment information about terminal size ncurses_use_extended_names(bool flag) Control use of extended names in terminfo descriptions ncurses_vidattr(int intarg) ncurses_vline(int charattr, int n) Draw a vertical line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long ncurses_wrefresh(resource window) Refresh window on terminal screen next(array array) Advance the internal array pointer of an array ngettext(string msgid1, string msgid2, int n) Plural version of gettext nl_langinfo(int item) Query language and locale information nl2br(string string) Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string notes_body(string server, string mailbox, int msg_number) Open the message msg_number in the specified mailbox on the specified server (leave serv notes_copy_db(string from_database_name, string to_database_name) Create a note using form form_name notes_create_db(string database_name) Create a Lotus Notes database notes_create_note(string database_name, string form_name) Create a note using form form_name notes_drop_db(string database_name) Drop a Lotus Notes database notes_find_note(string database_name, string name [, string type]) Returns a note id found in database_name. Specify the name of the note. Leaving type bla notes_header_info(string server, string mailbox, int msg_number) Open the message msg_number in the specified mailbox on the specified server (leave serv notes_list_msgs(string db) Returns the notes from a selected database_name notes_mark_read(string database_name, string user_name, string note_id) Mark a note_id as read for the User user_name notes_mark_unread(string database_name, string user_name, string note_id) Mark a note_id as unread for the User user_name notes_nav_create(string database_name, string name) Create a navigator name, in database_name notes_search(string database_name, string keywords) Find notes that match keywords in database_name notes_unread(string database_name, string user_name) Returns the unread note id's for the current User user_name notes_version(string database_name) Get the version Lotus Notes number_format(float number [, int decimals [, string dec_point [, string thousands_sep]]]) Format a number with grouped thousands ob_clean(void) Clean (erase) the output buffer ob_end_clean(void) Clean (erase) the output buffer and turn off output buffering ob_end_flush(void) Flush (send) the output buffer and turn off output buffering ob_flush(void) Flush (send) the output buffer ob_get_contents(void) Return the contents of the output buffer ob_get_length(void) Return the length of the output buffer ob_get_level(void) Return the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism ob_gzhandler(string buffer [, int mode]) ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer ob_iconv_handler(string contents, int status) Convert character encoding as output buffer handler ob_implicit_flush([int flag]) Turn implicit flush on/off ob_start([string output_callback]) Turn on output buffering OCIBindByName(int stmt, string ph_name, mixed & variable, int length [, int type]) Bind a PHP variable to an Oracle Placeholder OCICancel(int stmt) Cancel reading from cursor OCICollAppend(object collection, object object) Coming soon OCICollAssign(object collection, object object) Coming soon OCICollAssignElem(object collection, string ndx, string val) Coming soon OCICollGetElem(object collection, string ndx) Coming soon OCICollMax(object collection) Coming soon OCICollSize(object collection) Coming soon OCICollTrim(object collection, int num) Coming soon OCIColumnIsNULL(int stmt, mixed column) Test whether a result column is NULL OCIColumnName(int stmt, int col) Returns the name of a column OCIColumnPrecision(int stmt, int col) Coming soon OCIColumnScale(int stmt, int col) Coming soon OCIColumnSize(int stmt, mixed column) Return result column size OCIColumnType(int stmt, int col) Returns the data type of a column OCIColumnTypeRaw(int stmt, int col) Coming soon OCICommit(int connection) Commits outstanding transactions OCIDefineByName(int stmt, string Column-Name, mixed variable [, int type]) Use a PHP variable for the define-step during a SELECT OCIError([int stmt|conn|global]) Return the last error of stmt|conn|global OCIExecute(int statement [, int mode]) Execute a statement OCIFetch(int statement) Fetches the next row into result-buffer OCIFetchInto(int stmt, array & result [, int mode]) Fetches the next row into result-array OCIFetchStatement(int stmt, array & variable) Fetch all rows of result data into an array OCIFreeCollection(object lob) Coming soon OCIFreeCursor(int stmt) Free all resources associated with a cursor OCIFreeDesc(object lob) Deletes a large object descriptor OCIFreeStatement(int stmt) Free all resources associated with a statement OCIInternalDebug(int onoff) Enables or disables internal debug output OCILoadLob(object lob) Coming soon OCILogOff(int connection) Disconnects from Oracle OCILogon(string username, string password [, string db]) Establishes a connection to Oracle OCINewCollection(int conn, string tdo [, string shema]) Coming soon OCINewCursor(int conn) Return a new cursor (Statement-Handle) OCINewDescriptor(int connection [, int type]) Initialize a new empty LOB or FILE descriptor OCINLogon(string username, string password [, string db]) Establishes a new connection to Oracle OCINumCols(int stmt) Return the number of result columns in a statement OCIParse(int conn, string query) Parse a query and return a statement OCIPLogon(string username, string password [, string db]) Connect to an Oracle database using a persistent connection OCIResult(int statement, mixed column) Returns column value for fetched row OCIRollback(int connection) Rolls back outstanding transactions OCIRowCount(int statement) Gets the number of affected rows OCISaveLob(object lob) Coming soon OCISaveLobFile(object lob) Coming soon OCIServerVersion(int conn) Return a string containing server version information OCISetPrefetch(int stmt, int rows) Sets number of rows to be prefetched OCIStatementType(int stmt) Return the type of an OCI statement OCIWriteLobToFile(object lob [, string filename [, int start [, int lenght]]]) Coming soon octdec(string octal_string) Octal to decimal odbc_autocommit(resource connection_id [, bool OnOff]) Toggle autocommit behaviour odbc_binmode(resource result_id, int mode) Handling of binary column data odbc_close(resource connection_id) Close an ODBC connection odbc_close_all(void) Close all ODBC connections odbc_columnprivileges(resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string table_name [, string column_name]]]]) Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch a list of columns and associated privileges odbc_columns(resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string table_name [, string column_name]]]]) Lists the column names in specified tables. Returns a result identifier containing the information. odbc_commit(resource connection_id) Commit an ODBC transaction odbc_connect(string dsn, string user, string password [, int cursor_type]) Connect to a datasource odbc_cursor(resource result_id) Get cursorname odbc_do(resource conn_id, string query) Synonym for odbc_exec() odbc_error([resource connection_id]) Get the last error code odbc_errormsg([resource connection_id]) Get the last error message odbc_exec(resource connection_id, string query_string) Prepare and execute a SQL statement odbc_execute(resource result_id [, array parameters_array]) Execute a prepared statement odbc_fetch_array(resource result [, int rownumber]) Fetch a result row as an associative array odbc_fetch_into(resource result_id [, int rownumber, array result_array]) Fetch one result row into array odbc_fetch_object(resource result [, int rownumber]) Fetch a result row as an object odbc_fetch_row(resource result_id [, int row_number]) Fetch a row odbc_field_len(resource result_id, int field_number) Get the length (precision) of a field odbc_field_name(resource result_id, int field_number) Get the columnname odbc_field_num(resource result_id, string field_name) Return column number odbc_field_precision(resource result_id, int field_number) Synonym for odbc_field_len() odbc_field_scale(resource result_id, int field_number) Get the scale of a field odbc_field_type(resource result_id, int field_number) Datatype of a field odbc_foreignkeys(resource connection_id, string pk_qualifier, string pk_owner, string pk_table, string fk_qualifier, string fk_owner, string fk_table) Returns a list of foreign keys in the specified table or a list of foreign keys in other tables that refer to the primary key in the specified table odbc_free_result(resource result_id) Free resources associated with a result odbc_gettypeinfo(resource connection_id [, int data_type]) Returns a result identifier containing information about data types supported by the data source. odbc_longreadlen(resource result_id, int length) Handling of LONG columns odbc_next_result(resource result_id) Checks if multiple results are avaiable odbc_num_fields(resource result_id) Number of columns in a result odbc_num_rows(resource result_id) Number of rows in a result odbc_pconnect(string dsn, string user, string password [, int cursor_type]) Open a persistent database connection odbc_prepare(resource connection_id, string query_string) Prepares a statement for execution odbc_primarykeys(resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table) Returns a result identifier that can be used to fetch the column names that comprise the primary key for a table odbc_procedurecolumns(resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string proc [, string column]]]]) Retrieve information about parameters to procedures odbc_procedures(resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name]]]) Get the list of procedures stored in a specific data source. Returns a result identifier containing the information. odbc_result(resource result_id, mixed field) Get result data odbc_result_all(resource result_id [, string format]) Print result as HTML table odbc_rollback(resource connection_id) Rollback a transaction odbc_setoption(resource id, int function, int option, int param) Adjust ODBC settings. Returns FALSE if an error occurs, otherwise TRUE. odbc_specialcolumns(resource connection_id, int type, string qualifier, string owner, string table, int scope, int nullable) Returns either the optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row in the table or columns that are automatically updated when any value in the row is updated by a transaction odbc_statistics(resource connection_id, string qualifier, string owner, string table_name, int unique, int accuracy) Retrieve statistics about a table odbc_tableprivileges(resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name]]]) Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table odbc_tables(resource connection_id [, string qualifier [, string owner [, string name [, string types]]]]) Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source. Returns a result identifier containing the information. opendir(string path) open directory handle openlog(string ident, int option, int facility) Open connection to system logger openssl_csr_export(resource csr, string out [, bool notext]) Exports a CSR to file or a var openssl_csr_export_to_file(resource csr, string outfilename [, bool notext]) Exports a CSR to file or a var openssl_csr_new(array dn, resource privkey [, array extraattribs [, array configargs]]) Generates a privkey and CSR openssl_csr_sign(mixed csr, mixed x509, mixed priv_key, long days) Signs a cert with another CERT openssl_error_string(void) Return openSSL error message openssl_free_key(resource key_identifier) Free key resource openssl_get_privatekey(mixed key [, string passphrase]) Prepare a PEM formatted private key for use openssl_get_publickey(mixed certificate) Extract public key from certificate and prepare it for use openssl_open(string sealed_data, string open_data, string env_key, mixed priv_key_id) Open sealed data openssl_pkcs7_decrypt(string infilename, string outfilename, mixed recipcert, mixed recipkey) Decrypts an S/MIME encrypted message openssl_pkcs7_encrypt(string infilename, string outfilename, mixed recipcerts, array headers [, long flags]) Encrypt an S/MIME message openssl_pkcs7_sign(string infilename, string outfilename, mixed signcert, mixed privkey, array headers [, long flags [, string extracertsfilename]]) sign an S/MIME message openssl_pkcs7_verify(string filename, int flags [, string outfilename [, array cainfo [, string extracerts]]]) Verifies the signature of an S/MIME signed message openssl_pkey_export(mixed key, mixed out [, string passphrase [, array config_args]]) Gets an exportable representation of a key into a string or file openssl_pkey_export_to_file(mixed key, string outfilename [, string passphrase [, array config_args]]) Gets an exportable representation of a key into a file openssl_pkey_new([array configargs]) Generates a new private key openssl_private_decrypt(string data, string crypted, mixed key [, int padding]) Decrypts data with private key openssl_private_encrypt(string data, string crypted, mixed key [, int padding]) Encrypts data with private key openssl_public_decrypt(string data, string crypted, resource key [, int padding]) Decrypts data with public key openssl_public_encrypt(string data, string crypted, mixed key [, int padding]) Encrypts data with public key openssl_seal(string data, string sealed_data, array env_keys, array pub_key_ids) Seal (encrypt) data openssl_sign(string data, string signature, mixed priv_key_id) Generate signature openssl_verify(string data, string signature, mixed pub_key_id) Verify signature openssl_x509_export(mixed x509, string outfilename [, bool notext]) Exports a CERT to file or a var openssl_x509_export_to_file(mixed x509, string outfilename [, bool notext]) Exports a CERT to file or a var openssl_x509_free(resource x509cert) Free certificate resource openssl_x509_check_private_key(mixed cert, mixed key) Checks if a private key corresponds to a CERT openssl_x509_checkpurpose(mixed x509cert, int purpose, array cainfo [, string untrustedfile]) Verifies if a certificate can be used for a particular purpose openssl_x509_parse(mixed x509cert [, bool shortnames]) Parse an X509 certificate and return the information as an array openssl_x509_read(mixed x509certdata) Parse an X.509 certificate and return a resource identifier for it Ora_Bind(int cursor, string PHP variable name, string SQL parameter name, int length [, int type]) bind a PHP variable to an Oracle parameter Ora_Close(int cursor) close an Oracle cursor Ora_ColumnName(int cursor, int column) get name of Oracle result column Ora_ColumnSize(int cursor, int column) get size of Oracle result column Ora_ColumnType(int cursor, int column) get type of Oracle result column Ora_Commit(int conn) commit an Oracle transaction Ora_CommitOff(int conn) disable automatic commit Ora_CommitOn(int conn) enable automatic commit Ora_Do(int conn, string query) Parse, Exec, Fetch Ora_Error(int cursor_or_connection) get Oracle error message Ora_ErrorCode(int cursor_or_connection) get Oracle error code Ora_Exec(int cursor) execute parsed statement on an Oracle cursor Ora_Fetch(int cursor) fetch a row of data from a cursor Ora_Fetch_Into(int cursor, array result [, int flags]) Fetch a row into the specified result array Ora_GetColumn(int cursor, mixed column) get data from a fetched column Ora_Logoff(int connection) close an Oracle connection Ora_Logon(string user, string password) open an Oracle connection Ora_Numcols(int cursor_ind) Returns the number of columns Ora_Numrows(int cursor_ind) Returns the number of rows Ora_Open(int connection) open an Oracle cursor Ora_Parse(int cursor_ind, string sql_statement, int defer) parse an SQL statement Ora_pLogon(string user, string password) Open a persistent Oracle connection Ora_Rollback(int connection) roll back transaction ord(string string) Return ASCII value of character overload([string class_name]) Enable property and method call overloading for a class ovrimos_close(int connection) Closes the connection to ovrimos ovrimos_commit(int connection_id) Commits the transaction ovrimos_connect(string host, string db, string user, string password) Connect to the specified database ovrimos_cursor(int result_id) Returns the name of the cursor ovrimos_exec(int connection_id, string query) Executes an SQL statement ovrimos_execute(int result_id [, array parameters_array]) Executes a prepared SQL statement ovrimos_fetch_into(int result_id, array result_array [, string how [, int rownumber]]) Fetches a row from the result set ovrimos_fetch_row(int result_id [, int how [, int row_number]]) Fetches a row from the result set ovrimos_field_len(int result_id, int field_number) Returns the length of the output column ovrimos_field_name(int result_id, int field_number) Returns the output column name ovrimos_field_num(int result_id, string field_name) Returns the (1-based) index of the output column ovrimos_field_type(int result_id, int field_number) Returns the (numeric) type of the output column ovrimos_free_result(int result_id) Frees the specified result_id ovrimos_longreadlen(int result_id, int length) Specifies how many bytes are to be retrieved from long datatypes ovrimos_num_fields(int result_id) Returns the number of columns ovrimos_num_rows(int result_id) Returns the number of rows affected by update operations ovrimos_prepare(int connection_id, string query) Prepares an SQL statement ovrimos_result(int result_id, mixed field) Retrieves the output column ovrimos_result_all(int result_id [, string format]) Prints the whole result set as an HTML table ovrimos_rollback(int connection_id) Rolls back the transaction pack(string format [, mixed args]) Pack data into binary string. parse_ini_file(string filename [, bool process_sections]) Parse a configuration file parse_str(string str [, array arr]) Parses the string into variables parse_url(string url) Parse a URL and return its components passthru(string command [, int return_var]) Execute an external program and display raw output pathinfo(string path) Returns information about a file path pclose(int fp) Closes process file pointer pcntl_exec(string path [, array args [, array envs]]) Executes specified program in current process space pcntl_fork(void) Forks the currently running process pcntl_signal(int signo, mixed handle) Installs a signal handler pcntl_waitpid(int pid, int status, int options) Waits on or returns the status of a forked child pcntl_wexitstatus(int status) Returns the return code of a terminated child pcntl_wifexited(int status) Returns TRUE if status code represents a successful exit pcntl_wifsignaled(int status) Returns TRUE if status code represents a termination due to a signal pcntl_wifstopped(int status) Returns TRUE if child process is currently stopped pcntl_wstopsig(int status) Returns the signal which caused the child to stop pcntl_wtermsig(int status) Returns the signal which caused the child to terminate pdf_add_annotation(?) Deprecated: Adds annotation pdf_add_bookmark(int pdf object, string text [, int parent [, int open]]) Adds bookmark for current page pdf_add_launchlink(int pdf object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename) Add a launch annotation for current page pdf_add_locallink(int pdf object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, int page, string dest) Add a link annotation for current page pdf_add_note(int pdf object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string contents, string title, string icon, int open) Add a note annotation for current page pdf_add_outline(?) Deprecated: Adds bookmark for current page pdf_add_pdflink(int pdf object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename, int page, string dest) Adds file link annotation for current page pdf_add_thumbnail(int pdf object, int image) Adds thumbnail for current page pdf_add_weblink(int pdf object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string url) Adds weblink for current page pdf_arc(resource pdf object, float x, float y, float r, float alpha, float beta) Draws an arc (counterclockwise) pdf_arcn(resource pdf object, float x, float y, float r, float alpha, float beta) Draws an arc (clockwise) pdf_attach_file(int pdf object, float llx, float lly, float urx, float ury, string filename, string description, string author, string mimetype, string icon) Adds a file attachement for current page pdf_begin_page(int pdf object, float width, float height) Starts new page pdf_begin_pattern(int pdf object, float width, float height, float xstep, float ystep, int painttype) Starts new pattern pdf_begin_template(int pdf object, float width, float height) Starts new template pdf_circle(int pdf object, float x, float y, float r) Draws a circle pdf_clip(int pdf object) Clips to current path pdf_close(int pdf object) Closes a pdf object pdf_close_image(int pdf object, int image) Closes an image pdf_close_pdi(int pdf object, int dochandle) Close the input PDF document pdf_close_pdi_page(int pdf object, int pagehandle) Close the page handle pdf_closepath(int pdf object) Closes path pdf_closepath_fill_stroke(int pdf object) Closes, fills and strokes current path pdf_closepath_stroke(int pdf object) Closes path and draws line along path pdf_concat(int pdf object, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) Concatenate a matrix to the CTM pdf_continue_text(int pdf object, string text) Outputs text in next line pdf_curveto(int pdf object, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) Draws a curve pdf_delete(int pdf object) Deletes a PDF object pdf_end_page(int pdf object) Ends a page pdf_end_pattern(int pdf object) Finish pattern pdf_end_template(int pdf object) Finish template pdf_endpath(?) Deprecated: Ends current path pdf_fill(int pdf object) Fills current path pdf_fill_stroke(int pdf object) Fills and strokes current path pdf_findfont(int pdf object, string fontname, string encoding, int embed) Prepare font for later use with pdf_setfont(). pdf_get_buffer(int pdf object) Fetch the buffer containig the generated PDF data. pdf_get_font(?) Deprecated: font handling pdf_get_fontname(?) Deprecated: font handling pdf_get_fontsize(?) Deprecated: font handling pdf_get_image_height(int pdf object, int image) Returns height of an image pdf_get_image_width(int pdf object, int image) Returns width of an image pdf_get_majorversion(void) Returns the major version number of the PDFlib pdf_get_minorversion(void) Returns the minor version number of the PDFlib pdf_get_parameter(int pdf object, string key [, float modifier]) Gets certain parameters pdf_get_pdi_parameter(int pdf object, string key, int doc, int page, int index) Get some PDI string parameters pdf_get_pdi_value(int pdf object, string key, int doc, int page, int index) Gets some PDI numerical parameters pdf_get_value(int pdf object, string key [, float modifier]) Gets certain numerical value pdf_initgraphics(int pdf object) Resets graphic state pdf_lineto(int pdf object, float x, float y) Draws a line pdf_makespotcolor(int pdf object, string spotname) Makes a spotcolor pdf_moveto(int pdf object, float x, float y) Sets current point pdf_new() Creates a new pdf object pdf_open(?) Deprecated: Open a new pdf object pdf_open_CCITT(int pdf object, string filename, int width, int height, int BitReverse, int k, int Blackls1) Opens a new image file with raw CCITT data pdf_open_file(int pdf object [, string filename]) Opens a new pdf object pdf_open_gif(?) Deprecated: Opens a GIF image pdf_open_image(int PDF-document, string imagetype, string source, string data, long length, int width, int height, int components, int bpc, string params) Versatile function for images pdf_open_image_file(int PDF-document, string imagetype, string filename [, string stringparam [, string intparam]]) Reads an image from a file pdf_open_jpeg(?) Deprecated: Opens a JPEG image pdf_open_memory_image(int pdf object, int image) Opens an image created with PHP's image functions pdf_open_pdi(int pdf object, string filename, string stringparam, int intparam) Opens a PDF file pdf_open_pdi_page(int pdf object, int dochandle, int pagenumber, string pagelabel) Prepare a page pdf_open_png(?) Deprecated: Opens a PNG image pdf_open_tiff(int PDF-document, string filename) Deprecated: Opens a TIFF image pdf_place_image(int pdf object, int image, float x, float y, float scale) Places an image on the page pdf_place_pdi_page(int pdf object, int page, float x, float y, float sx, float sy) Places an image on the page pdf_rect(int pdf object, float x, float y, float width, float height) Draws a rectangle pdf_restore(int pdf object) Restores formerly saved environment pdf_rotate(int pdf object, float phi) Sets rotation pdf_save(int pdf object) Saves the current environment pdf_scale(int pdf object, float x-scale, float y-scale) Sets scaling pdf_set_border_color(int pdf object, float red, float green, float blue) Sets color of border around links and annotations pdf_set_border_dash(int pdf object, float black, float white) Sets dash style of border around links and annotations pdf_set_border_style(int pdf object, string style, float width) Sets style of border around links and annotations pdf_set_duration(?) Deprecated: Sets duration between pages pdf_set_font(?) Deprecated: Selects a font face and size pdf_set_horiz_scaling(int pdf object, float scale) Sets horizontal scaling of text pdf_set_char_spacing(?) Deprecated: Sets character spacing pdf_set_info(int pdf object, string key, string value) Fills a field of the document information pdf_set_info_author(int pdfdoc, string author) Fills the author field of the document pdf_set_info_creator(int pdfdoc, string creator) Fills the creator field of the document pdf_set_info_keywords(int pdfdoc, string keywords) Fills the keywords field of the document pdf_set_info_subject(int pdfdoc, string subject) Fills the subject field of the document pdf_set_info_title(int pdfdoc, string title) Fills the title field of the document pdf_set_leading(?) Deprecated: Sets distance between text lines pdf_set_parameter(int pdf object, string key, string value) Sets certain parameters pdf_set_text_pos(int pdf object, float x, float y) Sets text position pdf_set_text_rendering(?) Deprecated: Determines how text is rendered pdf_set_text_rise(?) Deprecated: Sets the text rise pdf_set_value(int pdf object, string key, float value) Sets certain numerical value pdf_set_word_spacing(?) Depriciated: Sets spacing between words pdf_setcolor(int pdf object, string type, string colorspace, float c1 [, float c2 [, float c3 [, float c4]]]) Sets fill and stroke color pdf_setdash(int pdf object, float b, float w) Sets dash pattern pdf_setflat(int pdf object, float flatness) Sets flatness pdf_setfont(int pdf object, int font, float size) Set the current font pdf_setgray(int pdf object, float gray) Sets drawing and filling color to gray value pdf_setgray_fill(int pdf object, float gray) Sets filling color to gray value pdf_setgray_stroke(int pdf object, float gray) Sets drawing color to gray value pdf_setlinecap(int pdf object, int linecap) Sets linecap parameter pdf_setlinejoin(int pdf object, long linejoin) Sets linejoin parameter pdf_setlinewidth(int pdf object, float width) Sets line width pdf_setmatrix(int pdf object, float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) Sets current transformation matrix pdf_setmiterlimit(int pdf object, float miter) Sets miter limit pdf_setpolydash(int pdf object, float * dasharray) Sets complicated dash pattern pdf_setrgbcolor(int pdf object, float red value, float green value, float blue value) Sets drawing and filling color to rgb color value pdf_setrgbcolor_fill(int pdf object, float red value, float green value, float blue value) Sets filling color to rgb color value pdf_setrgbcolor_stroke(int pdf object, float red value, float green value, float blue value) Sets drawing color to rgb color value pdf_show(int pdf object, string text) Output text at current position pdf_show_boxed(int pdf object, string text, float left, float top, float width, float height, string hmode [, string feature]) Output text in a box pdf_show_xy(int pdf object, string text, float x, float y) Output text at given position pdf_skew(int pdf object, float alpha, float beta) Skews the coordinate system pdf_stringwidth(int pdf object, string text [, int font [, float size]]) Returns width of text using current font pdf_stroke(int pdf object) Draws line along path pdf_translate(int pdf object, float tx, float ty) Sets origin of coordinate system pfpro_cleanup(void) Shuts down the Payflow Pro library pfpro_init(void) Initialises the Payflow Pro library pfpro_process(array parameters [, string address [, int port [, int timeout [, string proxy address [, int proxy port [, string proxy logon [, string proxy password]]]]]]]) Process a transaction with Payflow Pro pfpro_process_raw(string parameters [, string address [, int port [, int timeout [, string proxy address [, int proxy port [, string proxy logon [, string proxy password]]]]]]]) Process a raw transaction with Payflow Pro pfpro_version(void) Returns the version of the Payflow Pro software pfsockopen(string hostname, int port [, int errno [, string errstr [, int timeout]]]) Open persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection pg_affected_rows(resource result) Returns number of affected records(tuples) pg_cancel_query(resource connection) Cancel async query pg_client_encoding([resource connection]) Get the client encoding pg_close(resource connection) Close a PostgreSQL connection pg_connect(string connection_string) Open a PostgreSQL connection pg_connection_busy(resource connection) Get connection is busy or not pg_connection_reset(resource connection) Reset connection (reconnect) pg_connection_status(resource connection) Get connection status pg_convert(resource connection, string table_name, array assoc_array [, int options]) Convert associative array value into suitable for SQL statement. pg_copy_from(int connection, string table_name, array rows [, string delimiter [, string null_as]]) Copy a table from an array pg_copy_to(int connection, string table_name [, string delimiter [, string null_as]]) Copy a table to an array pg_dbname(resource connection) Get the database name pg_delete(resource connection, string table_name, array assoc_array [, int options]) Delete records. pg_end_copy([resource connection]) Sync with PostgreSQL backend pg_escape_bytea(string data) Escape binary for bytea type pg_escape_string(string data) Escape string for text/char type pg_fetch_array(resource result, int row [, int result_type]) Fetch a row as an array pg_fetch_object(resource result, int row [, int result_type]) Fetch a row as an object pg_fetch_result(resource result, int row_number, mixed field) Returns values from a result resource pg_fetch_row(resource result, int row) Get a row as an enumerated array pg_field_is_null(resource result, int row, mixed field) Test if a field is NULL pg_field_name(resource result, int field_number) Returns the name of a field pg_field_num(resource result, string field_name) Returns the field number of the named field pg_field_prtlen(resource result, int row_number, string field_name) Returns the printed length pg_field_size(resource result, int field_number) Returns the internal storage size of the named field pg_field_type(resource result, int field_number) Returns the type name for the corresponding field number pg_free_result(resource result) Free result memory pg_get_result([resource connection]) Get asynchronous query result pg_host(resource connection) Returns the host name associated with the connection pg_insert(resource connection, string table_name, array assoc_array [, int options]) Insert array into table. pg_last_error(resource connection) Get the last error message string of a connection pg_last_notice(resource connection) Returns the last notice message from PostgreSQL server pg_last_oid(resource result) Returns the last object's oid pg_lo_close(resource large_object) Close a large object pg_lo_create(resource connection) Create a large object pg_lo_export(int oid, string pathname [, resource connection]) Export a large object to file pg_lo_import(string pathname [, resource connection]) Import a large object from file pg_lo_open(resource connection, int oid, string mode) Open a large object pg_lo_read(resource large_object, int len) Read a large object pg_lo_read_all(resource large_object) Read a entire large object and send straight to browser pg_lo_seek(resource large_object, int offset [, int whence]) Seeks position of large object pg_lo_tell(resource large_object) Returns current position of large object pg_lo_unlink(resource connection, int oid) Delete a large object pg_lo_write(resource large_object, string data) Write a large object pg_metadata(resource connection, string table_name) Get metadata for table. pg_num_fields(resource result) Returns the number of fields pg_num_rows(resource result) Returns the number of rows pg_options(resource connection) Get the options associated with the connection pg_pconnect(string connection_string) Open a persistent PostgreSQL connection pg_port(resource connection) Return the port number associated with the connection pg_put_line([resource connection, string data]) Send a NULL-terminated string to PostgreSQL backend pg_query(resource connection, string query) Execute a query pg_result_error(resource result) Get error message associated with result pg_result_status(resource result) Get status of query result pg_select(resource connection, string table_name, array assoc_array [, int options]) Select records. pg_send_query(resource connection, string query) Send asynchronous query pg_set_client_encoding([resource connection, string encoding]) Set the client encoding pg_trace(string pathname [, string mode [, resource connection]]) Enable tracing a PostgreSQL connection pg_tty(resource connection) Return the tty name associated with the connection pg_untrace([resource connection]) Disable tracing of a PostgreSQL connection pg_update(resource connection, string table_name, array condition, array data [, int options]) Update table. php_logo_guid(void) Gets the logo guid php_sapi_name(void) Returns the type of interface between web server and PHP php_uname(void) Returns information about the operating system PHP was built on phpcredits([int flag]) Prints out the credits for PHP phpinfo([int what]) Outputs lots of PHP information phpversion(void) Gets the current PHP version pi(void) Get value of pi png2wbmp(string pngname, string wbmpname, int d_height, int d_width, int threshold) Convert PNG image file to WBMP image file popen(string command, string mode) Opens process file pointer pos(array array) Get the current element from an array posix_ctermid(void) Get path name of controlling terminal posix_getcwd(void) Pathname of current directory posix_getegid(void) Return the effective group ID of the current process posix_geteuid(void) Return the effective user ID of the current process posix_getgid(void) Return the real group ID of the current process posix_getgrgid(int gid) Return info about a group by group id posix_getgrnam(string name) Return info about a group by name posix_getgroups(void) Return the group set of the current process posix_getlogin(void) Return login name posix_getpgid(int pid) Get process group id for job control posix_getpgrp(void) Return the current process group identifier posix_getpid(void) Return the current process identifier posix_getppid(void) Return the parent process identifier posix_getpwnam(string username) Return info about a user by username posix_getpwuid(int uid) Return info about a user by user id posix_getrlimit(void) Return info about system ressource limits posix_getsid(int pid) Get the current sid of the process posix_getuid(void) Return the real user ID of the current process posix_isatty(int fd) Determine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal posix_kill(int pid, int sig) Send a signal to a process posix_mkfifo(string pathname, int mode) Create a fifo special file (a named pipe) posix_setegid(int gid) Set the effective GID of the current process posix_seteuid(int uid) Set the effective UID of the current process posix_setgid(int gid) Set the GID of the current process posix_setpgid(int pid, int pgid) set process group id for job control posix_setsid(void) Make the current process a session leader posix_setuid(int uid) Set the UID of the current process posix_times(void) Get process times posix_ttyname(int fd) Determine terminal device name posix_uname(void) Get system name pow(number base, number exp) Exponential expression preg_grep(string pattern, array input) Return array entries that match the pattern preg_match(string pattern, string subject [, array matches]) Perform a regular expression match preg_match_all(string pattern, string subject, array matches [, int order]) Perform a global regular expression match preg_quote(string str [, string delimiter]) Quote regular expression characters preg_replace(mixed pattern, mixed replacement, mixed subject [, int limit]) Perform a regular expression search and replace preg_replace_callback(mixed pattern, mixed callback, mixed subject [, int limit]) Perform a regular expression search and replace using a callback preg_split(string pattern, string subject [, int limit [, int flags]]) Split string by a regular expression prev(array array) Rewind the internal array pointer print(string arg) Output a string print_r(mixed expression) Prints human-readable information about a variable printer_abort(resource handle) Deletes the printer's spool file printer_close(resource handle) Close an open printer connection printer_create_brush(int style, string color) Create a new brush printer_create_dc(resource handle) Create a new device context printer_create_font(string face, int height, int width, int font_weight, bool italic, bool underline, bool strikeout, int orientaton) Create a new font printer_create_pen(int style, int width, string color) Create a new pen printer_delete_brush(resource handle) Delete a brush printer_delete_dc(resource handle) Delete a device context printer_delete_font(resource handle) Delete a font printer_delete_pen(resource handle) Delete a pen printer_draw_bmp(resource handle, string filename, int x, int y) Draw a bmp printer_draw_elipse(resource handle, int ul_x, int ul_y, int lr_x, int lr_y) Draw an ellipse printer_draw_chord(resource handle, int rec_x, int rec_y, int rec_x1, int rec_y1, int rad_x, int rad_y, int rad_x1, int rad_y1) Draw a chord printer_draw_line(resource printer_handle, int from_x, int from_y, int to_x, int to_y) Draw a line printer_draw_pie(resource handle, int rec_x, int rec_y, int rec_x1, int rec_y1, int rad1_x, int rad1_y, int rad2_x, int rad2_y) Draw a pie printer_draw_rectangle(resource handle, int ul_x, int ul_y, int lr_x, int lr_y) Draw a rectangle printer_draw_roundrect(resource handle, int ul_x, int ul_y, int lr_x, int lr_y, int width, int height) Draw a rectangle with rounded corners printer_draw_text(resource printer_handle, string text, int x, int y) Draw text printer_end_doc(resource handle) Close document printer_end_page(resource handle) Close active page printer_get_option(resource handle, string option) Retrieve printer configuration data printer_list(int enumtype [, string name [, int level]]) Return an array of printers attached to the server printer_logical_fontheight(resource handle, int height) Get logical font height printer_open([string devicename]) Open connection to a printer printer_select_brush(resource printer_handle, resource brush_handle) Select a brush printer_select_font(resource printer_handle, resource font_handle) Select a font printer_select_pen(resource printer_handle, resource pen_handle) Select a pen printer_set_option(resource handle, int option, mixed value) Configure the printer connection printer_start_doc(resource handle [, string document]) Start a new document printer_start_page(resource handle) Start a new page printer_write(resource handle, string content) Write data to the printer printf(string format [, mixed args]) Output a formatted string proc_close(resource process) Close a process opened by proc_open and return the exit code of that process. proc_open(string cmd, array descriptorspec, array pipes) Execute a command and open file pointers for input/output pspell_add_to_personal(int dictionary_link, string word) Add the word to a personal wordlist pspell_add_to_session(int dictionary_link, string word) Add the word to the wordlist in the current session pspell_clear_session(int dictionary_link) Clear the current session pspell_config_create(string language [, string spelling [, string jargon [, string encoding]]]) Create a config used to open a dictionary pspell_config_ignore(int dictionary_link, int n) Ignore words less than N characters long pspell_config_mode(int dictionary_link, int mode) Change the mode number of suggestions returned pspell_config_personal(int dictionary_link, string file) Set a file that contains personal wordlist pspell_config_repl(int dictionary_link, string file) Set a file that contains replacement pairs pspell_config_runtogether(int dictionary_link, bool flag) Consider run-together words as valid compounds pspell_config_save_repl(int dictionary_link, bool flag) Determine whether to save a replacement pairs list along with the wordlist pspell_check(int dictionary_link, string word) Check a word pspell_new(string language [, string spelling [, string jargon [, string encoding [, int mode]]]]) Load a new dictionary pspell_new_config(int config) Load a new dictionary with settings based on a given config pspell_new_personal(string personal, string language [, string spelling [, string jargon [, string encoding [, int mode]]]]) Load a new dictionary with personal wordlist pspell_save_wordlist(int dictionary_link) Save the personal wordlist to a file pspell_store_replacement(int dictionary_link, string misspelled, string correct) Store a replacement pair for a word pspell_suggest(int dictionary_link, string word) Suggest spellings of a word putenv(string setting) Sets the value of an environment variable qdom_error(void) Returns the error string from the last QDOM operation or FALSE if no errors occured qdom_tree(string ) creates a tree of an xml string quoted_printable_decode(string str) Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string quotemeta(string str) Quote meta characters rad2deg(float number) Converts the radian number to the equivalent number in degrees rand([int min, int max]) Generate a random value range(mixed low, mixed high) Create an array containing a range of elements rawurldecode(string str) Decode URL-encoded strings rawurlencode(string str) URL-encode according to RFC1738 read_exif_data(string filename, string sections, bool arrays, bool thumbnail) Reads header information stored in TIFF and JPEG images readdir(resource dir_handle) read entry from directory handle readfile(string filename [, int use_include_path]) Outputs a file readgzfile(string filename [, int use_include_path]) Output a gz-file readline([string prompt]) Reads a line readline_add_history(string line) Adds a line to the history readline_clear_history(void) Clears the history readline_completion_function(string line) Registers a completion function readline_info([string varname [, string newvalue]]) Gets/sets various internal readline variables readline_list_history(void) Lists the history readline_read_history(string filename) Reads the history readline_write_history(string filename) Writes the history readlink(string path) Returns the target of a symbolic link realpath(string path) Returns canonicalized absolute pathname recode(string request, string string) Recode a string according to a recode request recode_file(string request, resource input, resource output) Recode from file to file according to recode request recode_string(string request, string string) Recode a string according to a recode request register_shutdown_function(string func) Register a function for execution on shutdown register_tick_function(string func [, mixed arg]) Register a function for execution on each tick rename(string oldname, string newname) Renames a file return(function argument) returns function argument reset(array array) Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element restore_error_handler(void) Restores the previous error handler function rewind(int fp) Rewind the position of a file pointer rewinddir(resource dir_handle) rewind directory handle rmdir(string dirname) Removes directory round(float val [, int precision]) Rounds a float rsort(array array [, int sort_flags]) Sort an array in reverse order rtrim(string str [, string charlist]) Strip whitespace from the end of a string sem_acquire(int sem_identifier) Acquire a semaphore sem_get(int key [, int max_acquire [, int perm]]) Get a semaphore id sem_release(int sem_identifier) Release a semaphore sem_remove(int sem_identifier) Remove a semaphore serialize(mixed value) Generates a storable representation of a value sesam_affected_rows(string result_id) Get number of rows affected by an immediate query sesam_commit(void) Commit pending updates to the SESAM database sesam_connect(string catalog, string schema, string user) Open SESAM database connection sesam_diagnostic(void) Return status information for last SESAM call sesam_disconnect(void) Detach from SESAM connection sesam_errormsg(void) Returns error message of last SESAM call sesam_execimm(string query) Execute an "immediate" SQL-statement sesam_fetch_array(string result_id [, int whence [, int offset]]) Fetch one row as an associative array sesam_fetch_result(string result_id [, int max_rows]) Return all or part of a query result sesam_fetch_row(string result_id [, int whence [, int offset]]) Fetch one row as an array sesam_field_array(string result_id) Return meta information about individual columns in a result sesam_field_name(string result_id, int index) Return one column name of the result set sesam_free_result(string result_id) Releases resources for the query sesam_num_fields(string result_id) Return the number of fields/columns in a result set sesam_query(string query [, bool scrollable]) Perform a SESAM SQL query and prepare the result sesam_rollback(void) Discard any pending updates to the SESAM database sesam_seek_row(string result_id, int whence [, int offset]) Set scrollable cursor mode for subsequent fetches sesam_settransaction(int isolation_level, int read_only) Set SESAM transaction parameters session_cache_expire([int new_cache_expire]) Return current cache expire session_cache_limiter([string cache_limiter]) Get and/or set the current cache limiter session_decode(string data) Decodes session data from a string session_destroy(void) Destroys all data registered to a session session_encode(void) Encodes the current session data as a string session_get_cookie_params(void) Get the session cookie parameters session_id([string id]) Get and/or set the current session id session_is_registered(string name) Find out if a variable is registered in a session session_module_name([string module]) Get and/or set the current session module session_name([string name]) Get and/or set the current session name session_readonly(void) Begin session - reinitializes freezed variables, but no writeback on request end session_register(mixed name [, mixed ...]) Register one or more variables with the current session session_save_path([string path]) Get and/or set the current session save path session_set_cookie_params(int lifetime [, string path [, string domain [, bool secure]]]) Set the session cookie parameters session_set_save_handler(string open, string close, string read, string write, string destroy, string gc) Sets user-level session storage functions session_start(void) Initialize session data session_unregister(string name) Unregister a variable from the current session session_unset(void) Free all session variables session_write_close(void) Write session data and end session set_error_handler(string error_handler) Sets a user-defined error handler function. set_file_buffer(int fp, int buffer) Sets file buffering on the given file pointer set_magic_quotes_runtime(int new_setting) Sets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime set_time_limit(int seconds) Limits the maximum execution time setcookie(string name [, string value [, int expire [, string path [, string domain [, int secure]]]]]) Send a cookie setlocale(mixed category, string locale) Set locale information settype(mixed var, string type) Set the type of a variable shell_exec(string cmd) Execute command via shell and return complete output as string shm_attach(int key [, int memsize [, int perm]]) Creates or open a shared memory segment shm_detach(int shm_identifier) Disconnects from shared memory segment shm_get_var(int id, int variable_key) Returns a variable from shared memory shm_put_var(int shm_identifier, int variable_key, mixed variable) Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory shm_remove(int shm_identifier) Removes shared memory from Unix systems shm_remove_var(int id, int variable_key) Removes a variable from shared memory shmop_close(int shmid) Close shared memory block shmop_delete(int shmid) Delete shared memory block shmop_open(int key, string flags, int mode, int size) Create or open shared memory block shmop_read(int shmid, int start, int count) Read data from shared memory block shmop_size(int shmid) Get size of shared memory block shmop_write(int shmid, string data, int offset) Write data into shared memory block show_source(string filename [, bool return]) Syntax highlighting of a file shuffle(array array) Shuffle an array similar_text(string first, string second [, float percent]) Calculate the similarity between two strings sin(float arg) Sine sinh(float arg) Hyperbolic sine sizeof(mixed var) Get the number of elements in variable sleep(int seconds) Delay execution snmp_get_quick_print(void) Fetch the current value of the UCD library's quick_print setting snmp_set_quick_print(bool quick_print) Set the value of quick_print within the UCD SNMP library snmpget(string hostname, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]]) Fetch an SNMP object snmprealwalk(string host, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]]) Return all objects including their respective object id withing the specified one snmpset(string hostname, string community, string object_id, string type, mixed value [, int timeout [, int retries]]) Set an SNMP object snmpwalk(string hostname, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]]) Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent snmpwalkoid(string hostname, string community, string object_id [, int timeout [, int retries]]) Query for a tree of information about a network entity socket_accept(resource socket) Accepts a connection on a socket socket_bind(resource socket, string address [, int port]) Binds a name to a socket socket_close(resource socket) Closes a socket descriptor socket_connect(resource socket, string address [, int port]) Initiates a connection on a socket socket_create(int domain, int type, int protocol) Create a socket (endpoint for communication) socket_create_listen(int port [, int backlog]) Opens a socket on port to accept connections socket_create_pair(int domain, int type, int protocol, array &fd) Creates a pair of indistinguishable sockets and stores them in fds. socket_fd_alloc(void) Allocates a new file descriptor set socket_fd_clear(resource set, mixed socket) Clears (a) file descriptor(s) from a set socket_fd_free(resource set) Deallocates a file descriptor set socket_fd_isset(resource set, resource socket) Checks to see if a file descriptor is set within the file descrirptor set socket_fd_set(resource set, mixed socket) Adds (a) file descriptor(s) to a set socket_fd_zero(resource set) Clears a file descriptor set socket_get_status(resource socketstream) Returns information about an existing socket stream socket_getopt(resource socket, int level, int optname) Gets socket options for the socket socket_getpeername(resource socket, string &addr [, int &port]) Given an fd, stores a string representing sa.sin_addr and the value of sa.sin_port into addr and port describing the remote side of a socket socket_getsockname(resource socket, string &addr [, int &port]) Given an fd, stores a string representing sa.sin_addr and the value of sa.sin_port into addr and port describing the local side of a socket socket_iovec_add(resource iovec, int iov_len) Adds a new vector to the scatter/gather array socket_iovec_alloc(int num_vectors [, int ]) ...]) Builds a 'struct iovec' for use with sendmsg, recvmsg, writev, and readv socket_iovec_delete(resource iovec, int iov_pos) Deletes a vector from an array of vectors socket_iovec_fetch(resource iovec, int iovec_position) Returns the data held in the iovec specified by iovec_id[iovec_position] socket_iovec_free(resource iovec) Frees the iovec specified by iovec_id socket_iovec_set(resource iovec, int iovec_position, string new_val) Sets the data held in iovec_id[iovec_position] to new_val socket_last_error(resource socket) Returns/Clears the last error on the socket socket_listen(resource socket, int backlog) Listens for a connection on a socket socket_read(resource socket_des, int length [, int type]) Reads from a socket socket_readv(resource socket, resource iovec_id) Reads from an fd, using the scatter-gather array defined by iovec_id socket_recv(resource socket, int len, int flags) Receives data from a connected socket socket_recvfrom(resource socket, string &buf, int len, int flags, string &name [, int &port]) Receives data from a socket, connected or not socket_recvmsg(resource socket, resource iovec, array &control, int &controllen, int &flags, string &addr [, int &port]) Used to receive messages on a socket, whether connection-oriented or not socket_select(resource read_fd, resource write_fd, resource except_fd, int tv_sec [, int tv_usec]) Runs the select() system call on the sets mentioned with a timeout specified by tv_sec and tv_usec socket_send(resource socket, string buf, int len, int flags) Sends data to a connected socket socket_sendmsg(resource socket, resource iovec, int flags, string addr [, int port]) Sends a message to a socket, regardless of whether it is connection-oriented or not socket_sendto(resource socket, string buf, int len, int flags, string addr [, int port]) Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not socket_set_blocking(int socket descriptor, int mode) Set blocking/non-blocking mode on a socket socket_set_nonblock(resource socket) Sets nonblocking mode for file descriptor fd socket_set_timeout(int socket descriptor, int seconds, int microseconds) Set timeout period on a socket socket_setopt(resource socket, int level, int optname, int ) Sets socket options for the socket socket_shutdown(resource socket [, int how]) Shuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both. socket_strerror(int errno) Return a string describing a socket error socket_write(resource socket_des, string &buffer, int length) Write to a socket socket_writev(resource socket, resource iovec_id) Writes to a file descriptor, fd, using the scatter-gather array defined by iovec_id sort(array array [, int sort_flags]) Sort an array soundex(string str) Calculate the soundex key of a string split(string pattern, string string [, int limit]) split string into array by regular expression spliti(string pattern, string string [, int limit]) Split string into array by regular expression case insensitive sprintf(string format [, mixed args]) Return a formatted string sql_regcase(string string) Make regular expression for case insensitive match sqrt(float arg) Square root srand(int seed) Seed the random number generator sscanf(string str, string format [, string var1]) Parses input from a string according to a format stat(string filename) Gives information about a file str_pad(string input, int pad_length [, string pad_string [, int pad_type]]) Pad a string to a certain length with another string str_repeat(string input, int multiplier) Repeat a string str_replace(mixed search, mixed replace, mixed subject) Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string str_rot13(string str) Perform the rot13 transform on a string strcasecmp(string str1, string str2) Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison strcmp(string str1, string str2) Binary safe string comparison strcoll(string str1, string str2) Locale based string comparison strcspn(string str1, string str2) Find length of initial segment not matching mask strftime(string format [, int timestamp]) Format a local time/date according to locale settings strchr(string haystack, string needle) Find the first occurrence of a character strip_tags(string str [, string allowable_tags]) Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string stripcslashes(string str) Un-quote string quoted with addcslashes() stripslashes(string str) Un-quote string quoted with addslashes() stristr(string haystack, string needle) Case-insensitive strstr() strlen(string str) Get string length strnatcasecmp(string str1, string str2) Case insensitive string comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm strnatcmp(string str1, string str2) String comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm strncasecmp(string str1, string str2, int len) Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison of the first n characters strncmp(string str1, string str2, int len) Binary safe string comparison of the first n characters strpos(string haystack, string needle [, int offset]) Find position of first occurrence of a string strrev(string string) Reverse a string strrchr(string haystack, string needle) Find the last occurrence of a character in a string strrpos(string haystack, char needle) Find position of last occurrence of a char in a string strspn(string str1, string str2) Find length of initial segment matching mask strstr(string haystack, string needle) Find first occurrence of a string strtok(string arg1, string arg2) Tokenize string strtolower(string str) Make a string lowercase strtotime(string time [, int now]) Parse about any English textual datetime description into a UNIX timestamp strtoupper(string string) Make a string uppercase strtr(string str, string from, string to) Translate certain characters strval(mixed var) Get string value of a variable substr(string string, int start [, int length]) Return part of a string substr_count(string haystack, string needle) Count the number of substring occurrences substr_replace(string string, string replacement, int start [, int length]) Replace text within a portion of a string swf_actiongeturl(string url, string target) Get a URL from a Shockwave Flash movie swf_actiongotoframe(int framenumber) Play a frame and then stop swf_actiongotolabel(string label) Display a frame with the specified label swf_actionnextframe(void) Go foward one frame swf_actionplay(void) Start playing the flash movie from the current frame swf_actionprevframe(void) Go backwards one frame swf_actionsettarget(string target) Set the context for actions swf_actionstop(void) Stop playing the flash movie at the current frame swf_actiontogglequality(void) Toggle between low and high quality swf_actionwaitforframe(int framenumber, int skipcount) Skip actions if a frame has not been loaded swf_addbuttonrecord(int states, int shapeid, int depth) Controls location, appearance and active area of the current button swf_addcolor(float r, float g, float b, float a) Set the global add color to the rgba value specified swf_closefile([int return_file]) Close the current Shockwave Flash file swf_definebitmap(int objid, string image_name) Define a bitmap swf_definefont(int fontid, string fontname) Defines a font swf_defineline(int objid, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float width) Define a line swf_definepoly(int objid, array coords, int npoints, float width) Define a polygon swf_definerect(int objid, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float width) Define a rectangle swf_definetext(int objid, string str, int docenter) Define a text string swf_endbutton(void) End the definition of the current button swf_enddoaction(void) End the current action swf_endshape(void) Completes the definition of the current shape swf_endsymbol(void) End the definition of a symbol swf_fontsize(float size) Change the font size swf_fontslant(float slant) Set the font slant swf_fonttracking(float tracking) Set the current font tracking swf_getbitmapinfo(int bitmapid) Get information about a bitmap swf_getfontinfo(void) The height in pixels of a capital A and a lowercase x swf_getframe(void) Get the frame number of the current frame swf_labelframe(string name) Label the current frame swf_lookat(float view_x, float view_y, float view_z, float reference_x, float reference_y, float reference_z, float twist) Define a viewing transformation swf_modifyobject(int depth, int how) Modify an object swf_mulcolor(float r, float g, float b, float a) Sets the global multiply color to the rgba value specified swf_nextid(void) Returns the next free object id swf_oncondition(int transition) Describe a transition used to trigger an action list swf_openfile(string filename, float width, float height, float framerate, float r, float g, float b) Open a new Shockwave Flash file swf_ortho(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax, float zmin, float zmax) Defines an orthographic mapping of user coordinates onto the current viewport swf_ortho2(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax) Defines 2D orthographic mapping of user coordinates onto the current viewport swf_perspective(float fovy, float aspect, float near, float far) Define a perspective projection transformation swf_placeobject(int objid, int depth) Place an object onto the screen swf_polarview(float dist, float azimuth, float incidence, float twist) Define the viewer's position with polar coordinates swf_popmatrix(void) Restore a previous transformation matrix swf_posround(int round) Enables or Disables the rounding of the translation when objects are placed or moved swf_pushmatrix(void) Push the current transformation matrix back unto the stack swf_removeobject(int depth) Remove an object swf_rotate(float angle, string axis) Rotate the current transformation swf_scale(float x, float y, float z) Scale the current transformation swf_setfont(int fontid) Change the current font swf_setframe(int framenumber) Switch to a specified frame swf_shapearc(float x, float y, float r, float ang1, float ang2) Draw a circular arc swf_shapecurveto(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) Draw a quadratic bezier curve between two points swf_shapecurveto3(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) Draw a cubic bezier curve swf_shapefillbitmapclip(int bitmapid) Set current fill mode to clipped bitmap swf_shapefillbitmaptile(int bitmapid) Set current fill mode to tiled bitmap swf_shapefilloff(void) Turns off filling swf_shapefillsolid(float r, float g, float b, float a) Set the current fill style to the specified color swf_shapelinesolid(float r, float g, float b, float a, float width) Set the current line style swf_shapelineto(float x, float y) Draw a line swf_shapemoveto(float x, float y) Move the current position swf_showframe(void) Display the current frame swf_startbutton(int objid, int type) Start the definition of a button swf_startdoaction(void) Start a description of an action list for the current frame swf_startshape(int objid) Start a complex shape swf_startsymbol(int objid) Define a symbol swf_textwidth(string str) Get the width of a string swf_translate(float x, float y, float z) Translate the current transformations swf_viewport(float xmin, float xmax, float ymin, float ymax) Select an area for future drawing SWFAction(string script) Creates a new Action. SWFBitmap(string filename [, int alphafilename]) Loads Bitmap object SWFBitmap->getHeight(void) Returns the bitmap's height. SWFBitmap->getWidth(void) Returns the bitmap's width. SWFbutton(void) Creates a new Button. swfbutton_keypress(string str) Returns the action flag for keyPress(char) SWFbutton->addAction(ressource action, int flags) Adds an action SWFbutton->addShape(ressource shape, int flags) Adds a shape to a button SWFbutton->setAction(ressource action) Sets the action SWFbutton->setdown(ressource shape) Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_DOWN)) SWFbutton->setHit(ressource shape) Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_HIT) SWFbutton->setOver(ressource shape) Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_OVER) SWFbutton->setUp(ressource shape) Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_UP) SWFDisplayItem(void) Creates a new displayitem object. SWFDisplayItem->addColor([int red [, int green [, int blue [, int a]]]]) Adds the given color to this item's color transform. SWFDisplayItem->move(int dx, int dy) Moves object in relative coordinates. SWFDisplayItem->moveTo(int x, int y) Moves object in global coordinates. SWFDisplayItem->multColor([int red [, int green [, int blue [, int a]]]]) Multiplies the item's color transform. SWFDisplayItem->remove(void) Removes the object from the movie SWFDisplayItem->Rotate(float ddegrees) Rotates in relative coordinates. SWFDisplayItem->rotateTo(float degrees) Rotates the object in global coordinates. SWFDisplayItem->scale(int dx, int dy) Scales the object in relative coordinates. SWFDisplayItem->scaleTo(int x, int y) Scales the object in global coordinates. SWFDisplayItem->setDepth(float depth) Sets z-order SWFDisplayItem->setName(string name) Sets the object's name SWFDisplayItem->setRatio(float ratio) Sets the object's ratio. SWFDisplayItem->skewX(float ddegrees) Sets the X-skew. SWFDisplayItem->skewXTo(float degrees) Sets the X-skew. SWFDisplayItem->skewY(float ddegrees) Sets the Y-skew. SWFDisplayItem->skewYTo(float degrees) Sets the Y-skew. SWFFill(?) Loads SWFFill object SWFFill->moveTo(int x, int y) Moves fill origin SWFFill->rotateTo(float degrees) Sets fill's rotation SWFFill->scaleTo(int x, int y) Sets fill's scale SWFFill->skewXTo(float x) Sets fill x-skew SWFFill->skewYTo(float y) Sets fill y-skew SWFFont(string filename) Loads a font definition swffont->getwidth(string string) Returns the string's width SWFGradient(void) Creates a gradient object SWFGradient->addEntry(float ratio, int red, int green, int blue [, int a]) Adds an entry to the gradient list. SWFMorph(void) Creates a new SWFMorph object. SWFMorph->getshape1(void) Gets a handle to the starting shape SWFMorph->getshape2(void) Gets a handle to the ending shape SWFMovie(void) Creates a new movie object, representing an SWF version 4 movie. SWFMovie->add(ressource instance) Adds any type of data to a movie. SWFMovie->nextframe(void) Moves to the next frame of the animation. SWFMovie->output(void) Dumps your lovingly prepared movie out. SWFMovie->remove(resource instance) Removes the object instance from the display list. SWFMovie->save(string filename) Saves your movie in a file. SWFMovie->setbackground(int red, int green, int blue) Sets the background color. SWFMovie->setdimension(int width, int height) Sets the movie's width and height. SWFMovie->setframes(string numberofframes) Sets the total number of frames in the animation. SWFMovie->setrate(int rate) Sets the animation's frame rate. SWFMovie->streammp3(string mp3FileName) Streams a MP3 file. SWFShape(void) Creates a new shape object. SWFShape->addFill(int red, int green, int blue [, int a]) Adds a solid fill to the shape. SWFShape->drawCurve(int controldx, int controldy, int anchordx, int anchordy) Draws a curve (relative). SWFShape->drawCurveTo(int controlx, int controly, int anchorx, int anchory) Draws a curve. SWFShape->drawLine(int dx, int dy) Draws a line (relative). SWFShape->drawLineTo(int x, int y) Draws a line. SWFShape->movePen(int dx, int dy) Moves the shape's pen (relative). SWFShape->movePenTo(int x, int y) Moves the shape's pen. SWFShape->setLeftFill(swfgradient fill) Sets left rasterizing color. SWFShape->setLine(int width [, int red [, int green [, int blue [, int a]]]]) Sets the shape's line style. SWFShape->setRightFill(swfgradient fill) Sets right rasterizing color. SWFSprite(void) Creates a movie clip (a sprite) SWFSprite->add(resource object) Adds an object to a sprite SWFSprite->nextframe(void) Moves to the next frame of the animation. SWFSprite->remove(ressource object) Removes an object to a sprite SWFSprite->setframes(int numberofframes) Sets the total number of frames in the animation. SWFText(void) Creates a new SWFText object. SWFText->addString(string string) Draws a string SWFText->getWidth(string string) Computes string's width SWFText->moveTo(int x, int y) Moves the pen SWFText->setColor(int red, int green, int blue [, int a]) Sets the current font color SWFText->setFont(string font) Sets the current font SWFText->setHeight(int height) Sets the current font height SWFText->setSpacing(float spacing) Sets the current font spacing SWFTextField([int flags]) Creates a text field object SWFTextField->addstring(string string) Concatenates the given string to the text field SWFTextField->align(int alignement) Sets the text field alignment SWFTextField->setbounds(int width, int height) Sets the text field width and height SWFTextField->setcolor(int red, int green, int blue [, int a]) Sets the color of the text field. SWFTextField->setFont(string font) Sets the text field font SWFTextField->setHeight(int height) Sets the font height of this text field font. SWFTextField->setindentation(int width) Sets the indentation of the first line. SWFTextField->setLeftMargin(int width) Sets the left margin width of the text field. SWFTextField->setLineSpacing(int height) Sets the line spacing of the text field. SWFTextField->setMargins(int left, int right) Sets the margins width of the text field. SWFTextField->setname(string name) Sets the variable name SWFTextField->setrightMargin(int width) Sets the right margin width of the text field. sybase_affected_rows([int link_identifier]) get number of affected rows in last query sybase_close(int link_identifier) close Sybase connection sybase_connect(string servername, string username, string password [, string charset]) open Sybase server connection sybase_data_seek(int result_identifier, int row_number) move internal row pointer sybase_fetch_array(int result) fetch row as array sybase_fetch_field(int result [, int field_offset]) get field information sybase_fetch_object(int result) fetch row as object sybase_fetch_row(int result) get row as enumerated array sybase_field_seek(int result, int field_offset) set field offset sybase_free_result(int result) free result memory sybase_get_last_message(void) Returns the last message from the server sybase_min_client_severity(int severity) Sets minimum client severity sybase_min_error_severity(int severity) Sets minimum error severity sybase_min_message_severity(int severity) Sets minimum message severity sybase_min_server_severity(int severity) Sets minimum server severity sybase_num_fields(int result) get number of fields in result sybase_num_rows(int result) get number of rows in result sybase_pconnect(string servername, string username, string password [, string charset]) open persistent Sybase connection sybase_query(string query, int link_identifier) send Sybase query sybase_result(int result, int row, mixed field) get result data sybase_select_db(string database_name, int link_identifier) select Sybase database symlink(string target, string link) Creates a symbolic link syslog(int priority, string message) Generate a system log message system(string command [, int return_var]) Execute an external program and display output tan(float arg) Tangent tanh(float arg) Hyperbolic tangent tempnam(string dir, string prefix) Create file with unique file name textdomain(string text_domain) Sets the default domain time(void) Return current UNIX timestamp tmpfile(void) Creates a temporary file touch(string filename [, int time]) Sets access and modification time of file trigger_error(string error_msg [, int error_type]) Generates a user-level error/warning/notice message trim(string str [, string charlist]) Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of a string uasort(array array, function cmp_function) Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association ucfirst(string str) Make a string's first character uppercase ucwords(string str) Uppercase the first character of each word in a string udm_add_search_limit(int agent, int var, string val) Add various search limits udm_alloc_agent(string dbaddr [, string dbmode]) Allocate mnoGoSearch session udm_api_version(void) Get mnoGoSearch API version. udm_cat_list(int agent, string category) Get all the categories on the same level with the current one. udm_cat_path(int agent, string category) Get the path to the current category. udm_clear_search_limits(int agent) Clear all mnoGoSearch search restrictions udm_close_stored(int agent, int link) Close connection to stored udm_crc32(int agent, string str) Return CRC32 checksum of gived string udm_errno(int agent) Get mnoGoSearch error number udm_error(int agent) Get mnoGoSearch error message udm_find(int agent, string query) Perform search udm_free_agent(int agent) Free mnoGoSearch session udm_free_ispell_data(int agent) Free memory allocated for ispell data udm_free_res(int res) Free mnoGoSearch result udm_get_doc_count(int agent) Get total number of documents in database. udm_get_res_field(int res, int row, int field) Fetch mnoGoSearch result field udm_get_res_param(int res, int param) Get mnoGoSearch result parameters udm_check_charset(int agent, string charset) Check if the given charset is known to mnogosearch udm_check_stored(int agent, int link, string doc_id) Check connection to stored udm_load_ispell_data(int agent, int var, string val1, string val2, int flag) Load ispell data udm_open_stored(int agent, string storedaddr) Open connection to stored udm_set_agent_param(int agent, int var, string val) Set mnoGoSearch agent session parameters uksort(array array, function cmp_function) Sort an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function umask(int mask) Changes the current umask uniqid(string prefix [, bool lcg]) Generate a unique id unixtojd([int timestamp]) Convert UNIX timestamp to Julian Day unlink(string filename) Deletes a file unpack(string format, string data) Unpack data from binary string unregister_tick_function(string func [, mixed arg]) De-register a function for execution on each tick unserialize(string str) Creates a PHP value from a stored representation unset(mixed var [, mixed var [, ...]]) Unset a given variable urldecode(string str) Decodes URL-encoded string urlencode(string str) URL-encodes string user_error(string error_msg [, int error_type]) Generates a user-level error/warning/notice message usleep(int micro_seconds) Delay execution in microseconds usort(array array, string cmp_function) Sort an array by values using a user-defined comparison function utf8_decode(string data) Converts a string with ISO-8859-1 characters encoded with UTF-8 to single-byte ISO-8859-1. utf8_encode(string data) encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8 var_dump(mixed expression [, mixed expression [, ...]]) Dumps information about a variable var_export(mixed expression [, bool return]) Outputs or returns a string representation of a variable version_compare(string version1, string version2 [, string operator]) Compares two "PHP-standardized" version number strings virtual(string filename) Perform an Apache sub-request vpopmail_add_alias_domain(string domain, string aliasdomain) Add an alias for a virtual domain vpopmail_add_alias_domain_ex(string olddomain, string newdomain) Add alias to an existing virtual domain vpopmail_add_domain(string domain, string dir, int uid, int gid) Add a new virtual domain vpopmail_add_domain_ex(string domain, string passwd [, string quota [, string bounce [, bool apop]]]) Add a new virtual domain vpopmail_add_user(string user, string domain, string password [, string gecos [, bool apop]]) Add a new user to the specified virtual domain vpopmail_alias_add(string user, string domain, string alias) insert a virtual alias vpopmail_alias_del(string user, string domain) deletes all virtual aliases of a user vpopmail_alias_del_domain(string domain) deletes all virtual aliases of a domain vpopmail_alias_get(string alias, string domain) get all lines of an alias for a domain vpopmail_alias_get_all(string domain) get all lines of an alias for a domain vpopmail_auth_user(string user, string domain, string password [, string apop]) Attempt to validate a username/domain/password. Returns true/false vpopmail_del_domain(string domain) Delete a virtual domain vpopmail_del_domain_ex(string domain) Delete a virtual domain vpopmail_del_user(string user, string domain) Delete a user from a virtual domain vpopmail_error(void) Get text message for last vpopmail error. Returns string vpopmail_passwd(string user, string domain, string password) Change a virtual user's password vpopmail_set_user_quota(string user, string domain, string quota) Sets a virtual user's quota vprintf(string format, array args) Output a formatted string vsprintf(string format, array args) Return a formatted string w32api_deftype(string typename, string member1_type, string member1_name) Defines a type for use with other w32api_functions w32api_init_dtype(string typename, mixed val1, mixed val2) Creates an instance to the data type typename and fills it with the values val1, val2, the function then returns a DYNAPARM which can be passed when invoking a function as a parameter w32api_invoke_function(string funcname) Invokes function funcname with the arguments passed after the function name w32api_register_function(string libary, string function_name) Registers function function_name from library with PHP w32api_set_call_method(int method) Sets the calling method used wddx_add_vars(int packet_id, mixed name_var [, mixed ...]) Add variables to a WDDX packet with the specified ID wddx_deserialize(string packet) Deserializes a WDDX packet wddx_packet_end(int packet_id) Ends a WDDX packet with the specified ID wddx_packet_start([string comment]) Starts a new WDDX packet with structure inside it wddx_serialize_value(mixed var [, string comment]) Serialize a single value into a WDDX packet wddx_serialize_vars(mixed var_name [, mixed ...]) Serialize variables into a WDDX packet wordwrap(string str [, int width [, string break [, int cut]]]) Wraps a string to a given number of characters using a string break character. xml_error_string(int code) get XML parser error string xml_get_current_byte_index(resource parser) get current byte index for an XML parser xml_get_current_column_number(resource parser) Get current column number for an XML parser xml_get_current_line_number(resource parser) get current line number for an XML parser xml_get_error_code(resource parser) get XML parser error code xml_parse(resource parser, string data [, bool is_final]) start parsing an XML document xml_parse_into_struct(resource parser, string data, array &values, array &index) Parse XML data into an array structure xml_parser_create([string encoding]) create an XML parser xml_parser_create_ns([string encoding [, string sep]]) Create an XML parser xml_parser_free(resource parser) Free an XML parser xml_parser_get_option(resource parser, int option) get options from an XML parser xml_parser_set_option(resource parser, int option, mixed value) set options in an XML parser xml_set_default_handler(resource parser, string handler) set up default handler xml_set_element_handler(resource parser, string start_element_handler, string end_element_handler) set up start and end element handlers xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler(resource pind, string hdl) Set up character data handler xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler(resource parser, string handler) set up external entity reference handler xml_set_character_data_handler(resource parser, string handler) set up character data handler xml_set_notation_decl_handler(resource parser, string handler) set up notation declaration handler xml_set_object(resource parser, object &object) Use XML Parser within an object xml_set_processing_instruction_handler(resource parser, string handler) Set up processing instruction (PI) handler xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler(resource pind, string hdl) Set up character data handler xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler(resource parser, string handler) Set up unparsed entity declaration handler xmlrpc_decode(string xml [, string encoding]) Decodes XML into native PHP types xmlrpc_decode_request(string xml, string method [, string encoding]) Decodes XML into native PHP types xmlrpc_encode(mixed value) Generates XML for a PHP value xmlrpc_encode_request(string method, mixed params) Generates XML for a method request xmlrpc_get_type(mixed value) Gets xmlrpc type for a PHP value. Especially useful for base64 and datetime strings xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions(string xml) Decodes XML into a list of method descriptions xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data(resource server, array desc) Adds introspection documentation xmlrpc_server_call_method(resource server, string xml, mixed user_data [, array output_options]) Parses XML requests and call methods xmlrpc_server_create(void) Creates an xmlrpc server xmlrpc_server_destroy(resource server) Destroys server resources xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback(resource server, string function) Register a PHP function to generate documentation xmlrpc_server_register_method(resource server, string method_name, string function) Register a PHP function to resource method matching method_name xmlrpc_set_type(string value, string type) Sets xmlrpc type, base64 or datetime, for a PHP string value xpath_eval(object xpath context) Evaluates the XPath Location Path in the given string xpath_eval_expression(object xpath_context) Evaluates the XPath Location Path in the given string xpath_new_context(object dom document) Creates new xpath context xptr_eval([object xpath_context, string eval_str]) Evaluate the XPtr Location Path in the given string xptr_new_context([object doc_handle]) Create new XPath Context xslt_create(void) Create a new XSLT processor. xslt_errno(resource xh) Return a error number xslt_error(resource xh) Return a error string xslt_free(resource xh) Free XSLT processor xslt_process(resource xh, string xml, string xsl [, string result [, array arguments [, array parameters]]]) Perform an XSLT transformation xslt_set_base(resource xh, string uri) Set the base URI for all XSLT transformations xslt_set_encoding(resource xh, string encoding) Set the encoding for the parsing of XML documents xslt_set_error_handler(resource xh, mixed handler) Set an error handler for a XSLT processor xslt_set_log(resource xh, mixed log) Set the log file to write log messages to xslt_set_sax_handler(resource xh, array handlers) Set SAX handlers for a XSLT processor xslt_set_sax_handlers(resource processor, array handlers) Set the SAX handlers to be called when the XML document gets processed xslt_set_scheme_handler(resource xh, array handlers) Set Scheme handlers for a XSLT processor xslt_set_scheme_handlers(resource processor, array handlers) Set the scheme handlers for the XSLT processor yaz_addinfo(int id) Returns additional error information yaz_ccl_conf(int id, array config) Configure CCL parser yaz_ccl_parse(int id, string query, array & result) Invoke CCL Parser yaz_close(int id) Closes a YAZ connection yaz_connect(string zurl [, mixed options]) Prepares for a connection and Z-association to a Z39.50 target. yaz_database(int id, string databases) Specifies the databases within a session yaz_element(int id, string elementset) Specifies Element-Set Name for retrieval yaz_errno(int id) Returns error number yaz_error(int id) Returns error description yaz_hits(int id) Returns number of hits for last search yaz_itemorder(array args) Prepares for Z39.50 Item Order with an ILL-Request package yaz_present(void) Prepares for retrieval (Z39.50 present). yaz_range(int id, int start, int number) Specifies the maximum number of records to retrieve yaz_record(int id, int pos, string type) Returns a record yaz_scan(int id, string type, string startterm [, array flags]) Prepares for a scan yaz_scan_result(int id [, array & result]) Returns Scan Response result yaz_search(int id, string type, string query) Prepares for a search yaz_sort(int id, string criteria) Sets sorting criteria yaz_syntax(int id, string syntax) Specifies the preferred record syntax for retrieval. yaz_wait([ array options]) Wait for Z39.50 requests to complete yp_all(string domain, string map, string callback) Traverse the map and call a function on each entry yp_cat(string domain, string map) Return an array containing the entire map yp_err_string(void) Returns the error string associated with the previous operation yp_errno(void) Returns the error code of the previous operation yp_first(string domain, string map) Returns the first key-value pair from the named map yp_get_default_domain(void) Fetches the machine's default NIS domain yp_master(string domain, string map) Returns the machine name of the master NIS server for a map yp_match(string domain, string map, string key) Returns the matched line yp_next(string domain, string map, string key) Returns the next key-value pair in the named map. yp_order(string domain, string map) Returns the order number for a map zend_logo_guid(void) Gets the zend guid zend_version(void) Gets the version of the current Zend engine zip_close(resource zip) Close a Zip File Archive zip_entry_close(resource zip_entry) Close a Directory Entry zip_entry_compressedsize(resource zip_entry) Retrieve the Compressed Size of a Directory Entry zip_entry_compressionmethod(resource zip_entry) Retrieve the Compression Method of a Directory Entry zip_entry_filesize(resource zip_entry) Retrieve the Actual File Size of a Directory Entry zip_entry_name(resource zip_entry) Retrieve the Name of a Directory Entry zip_entry_open(resource zip, resource zip_entry [, string mode]) Open a Directory Entry for Reading zip_entry_read(resource zip_entry [, int length]) Read From an Open Directory Entry zip_open(string filename) Open a Zip File Archive zip_read(resource zip) Read Next Entry in a Zip File Archive