# the directory of the ecompile.exe ECOMPILEHOME=C:\Daten\Code\CVS Workspace\etheria-pol095\scripts # # Define SciTE settings for ESCRIPT files. # filter.escript=E-Script (src em)|$(file.patterns.escript)| #filter.escript=E-Script (src inc cfg em)|$(file.patterns.escript)| file.patterns.escript=*.src;*.em #file.patterns.escript=*.src;*.inc;*.cfg;*.em lexer.$(file.patterns.escript)=escript escript.case.sensitive=0 command.compile.*.src="$(ECOMPILEHOME)\ecompile.exe" $(FileNameExt) # Default style.escript.0=$(font.base) # Comment style.escript.1=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(font.code.comment.box) # Line Comment style.escript.2=$(colour.code.comment.line),$(font.code.comment.line) # Doc comment style.escript.3=$(colour.code.comment.doc),$(font.code.comment.doc) # Number style.escript.4=$(colour.number) # Keyword style.escript.5=fore:#FF4000 # Double quoted string style.escript.6=fore:#FF8000,$(font.string.literal) # Operators style.escript.7=fore:#FF0000 #~ Identifiers style.escript.8= # Braces style.escript.9=fore:#0000FF # Keywords2 style.escript.10=fore:#B00040 # Keywords3 style.escript.11=fore:#B00040 #~ Braces are only matched in brace style #braces.escript.style=9 keywords.$(file.patterns.escript)=\ basic basicio boats \ cfgfile \ file \ http \ npc \ os \ uo util \ accessible \ addmenuitem \ appendconfigfileelem \ applyconstraint \ applydamage \ applyrawdamage \ assignrecttoweatherregion \ append \ baseskilltorawskill \ boatfromitem \ broadcast \ ban \ cdbl \ cint \ cstr \ checklineofsight \ checklosat \ checkskill \ consumemana \ consumereagents \ consumesubstance \ createaccount \ createitematlocation \ createiteminbackpack \ createitemininventory \ createitemincontainer \ createmenu \ createmultiatlocation \ createnpcfromtemplate \ createrootiteminstoragearea \ createstoragearea \ clear_script_profile_counters \ close \ damage \ destroyitem \ destroymulti \ destroyrootiteminstoragearea \ detach \ disableevents \ disconnectclient \ distance \ disable \ enableevents \ enumerateitemsincontainer \ enumerateonlinecharacters \ equipfromtemplate \ equipitem \ eraseglobalproperty \ eraseobjproperty \ enable \ enabled \ erase \ events_waiting \ exists \ findconfigelem \ findobjtypeincontainer \ findrootiteminstoragearea \ findstoragearea \ fclose \ find \ fopen \ fread \ fseek \ ftell \ fwrite \ gamestat \ getamount \ getcommandhelp \ getconfigint \ getconfigintkeys \ getconfigmaxintkey \ getconfigreal \ getconfigstring \ getconfigstringkeys \ getconfigstringarray \ getelemproperty \ getequipmentbylayer \ getglobalproperty \ getharvestdifficulty \ getmapinfo \ getmenuobjtypes \ getobjproperty \ getobjtype \ getobjtypebyname \ getproperty \ getrawskill \ getregionstring \ getskill \ getspelldifficulty \ getstandingheight \ getworldheight \ grantprivilege \ harvestresource \ healdamage \ hex \ islegalmove \ insert \ keys \ listequippeditems \ listghostsnearlocation \ listhostiles \ listitemsatlocation \ listitemsnearlocation \ listitemsnearlocationoftype \ listmobilesinlineofsight \ listmobilesnearlocation \ listmobilesnearlocationex \ listobjectsinbox \ loadtusscpfile \ left \ len \ log_profile \ lower \ makeboundingbox \ move \ moveboat \ moveboatrelative \ movecharactertolocation \ moveitemtocontainer \ moveitemtolocation \ move_offline_mobiles \ openpaperdoll \ open \ pack \ performaction \ playlightningbolteffect \ playmovingeffect \ playmovingeffectxyz \ playobjectcenteredeffect \ playsoundeffect \ playsoundeffectprivate \ playstationaryeffect \ printtextabove \ printtextaboveprivate \ packages \ polcore \ position \ print \ queryparam \ randomdiceroll \ randomint \ rawskilltobaseskill \ readconfigfile \ readgameclock \ releaseitem \ registerforspeechevents \ registeritemwithboat \ requestinput \ reserveitem \ restartscript \ resurrect \ revokeprivilege \ runawayfrom \ runawayfromlocation \ runtoward \ runtowardlocation \ reverse \ run_script_to_completion \ saveworldstate \ selectmenuitem2 \ self \ sendbuywindow \ senddialoggump \ sendevent \ sendopenspecialcontainer \ sendpacket \ sendsellwindow \ sendskillwindow \ sendstringastipwindow \ sendsysmessage \ sendtextentrygump \ setanchor \ setglobalproperty \ setname \ setobjproperty \ setopponent \ setproperty \ setrawskill \ setregionlightlevel \ setregionweatherlevel \ setscriptcontroller \ setwarmode \ shutdown \ speakpowerwords \ splitwords \ startspelleffect \ subtractamount \ systemfindboatbyserial \ systemfindobjectbyserial \ say \ set_critical \ set_debug \ set_priority \ set_priority_divide \ set_script_option \ setcmdlevel \ setdex \ setint \ setlightlevel \ setmaster \ setname \ setpassword \ setstr \ shrink \ size \ sleep \ sleepms \ sort \ spendgold \ squelch \ start_script \ syslog \ system_rpm \ target \ targetcoordinates \ targetmultiplacement \ turnawayfrom \ turnawayfromlocation \ turnboat \ turntoward \ turntowardlocation \ toggle \ unloadconfigfile \ unpack \ unban \ unload_scripts \ upper \ walkawayfrom \ walkawayfromlocation \ walktoward \ walktowardlocation \ wander \ writehtml \ writehtmlraw \ wait_for_event \ movechar_forcelocation \ moveitem_forcelocation \ moveitem_normal \ scriptopt_debug \ scriptopt_no_interrupt \ scriptopt_no_runaway \ te_cancel_disable \ te_cancel_enable \ te_style_disable \ te_style_normal \ te_style_numerical \ tgtopt_check_los \ tgtopt_harmful \ tgtopt_helpful \ tgtopt_neutral \ tgtopt_nocheck_los \ setprop \ getprop keywords2.$(file.patterns.escript)=\ array \ const \ dictionary \ global \ local \ var \ and \ default \ in \ next not \ or \ return \ to \ include \ use \ enum keywords3.$(file.patterns.escript)=\ while \ for \ endfor \ function \ program \ endprogram endfunction \ foreach \ case \ else elseif \ if endcase endenum endforeach endif endwhile