# Define SciTE settings for Objective Caml # OCaml implementation and interface files file.patterns.caml=*.ml;*.mli filter.caml=Objective Caml (ml mli)|$(file.patterns.caml)| lexer.*.caml=caml lexer.$(file.patterns.caml)=caml # the line below is ONLY used as part of "external" lexer support #lexerpath.$(file.patterns.caml)=LexCaml.dll # the standard Objective Caml 3.09/3.10 language "textual" keywords keywordstandard.caml= \ and as assert asr begin class \ constraint do done downto else end \ exception external false for fun function \ functor if in include inherit initializer \ land lazy let lor lsl lsr \ lxor match method mod module mutable \ new object of open or private \ rec sig struct then to true \ try type val virtual when while \ with keywords.$(file.patterns.caml)=$(keywordstandard.caml) # "optional" Objective Caml / library keywords; some suggested entries are here, # more could come from, say, Pervasives ('parser' is from Camlp4) keywordoptional1.caml= \ option Some None ignore ref lnot succ pred parser keywords2.$(file.patterns.caml)=$(keywordoptional1.caml) # "optional" Objective Caml / library keywords; some suggested entries are here, # more could come from, say, user-defined types keywordoptional2.caml= \ array bool char float int list string unit keywords3.$(file.patterns.caml)=$(keywordoptional2.caml) word.characters.$(file.patterns.caml)=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)_'` comment.stream.start.caml=(* comment.stream.end.caml=*) comment.box.start.caml=(* comment.box.middle.caml= * comment.box.end.caml= *) # "folding" support not currently implemented # "Out-of-the-box" syntax colors are defined here - I like having # my literals (number, char, and string), tag-names, and "optional" # keywords stand out - you might not, so adjust accordingly! # Default style.caml.32=$(font.base) # White space style.caml.0=fore:#808080 # Identifiers style.caml.1= # Tag-names #style.caml.2= style.caml.2=fore:#000000,back:#ffe0ff # Keywords (builtin language-defined keywords) style.caml.3=$(colour.keyword),bold # Keywords2 (season to taste - use for option, Some, None, etc) #style.caml.4= style.caml.4=fore:#000000,back:#e0e0ff # Keywords3 (season to taste - use for bool, char, float, etc) #style.caml.5= #style.caml.5=fore:#000000,back:#ffe0e0 style.caml.5=fore:#a0000,bold # Linenum directive style.caml.6=back:#C0C0C0,$(font.base) # Operators style.caml.7=$(colour.operator),bold # Number #style.caml.8=$(colour.number) style.caml.8=fore:#000000,back:#ffff00 # Single quoted string (character constant) #style.caml.9=$(colour.char) style.caml.9=fore:#000000,back:#ffff00 # Double quoted string (string constant) #style.caml.11=$(colour.string) style.caml.11=fore:#000000,back:#ffff00 # Comment (NOT nested) style.caml.12=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(font.code.comment.box) # Comment (SINGLY nested) #style.caml.13=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(font.code.comment.box) style.caml.13=$(colour.embedded.comment),$(font.code.comment.box) # Comment (DOUBLY nested) #style.caml.14=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(font.code.comment.box) style.caml.14=$(colour.embedded.comment),$(font.code.comment.box) # Comment (TRIPLY nested) #style.caml.15=$(colour.code.comment.box),$(font.code.comment.box) style.caml.15=$(colour.embedded.comment),$(font.code.comment.box) # Braces are only matched in operator style braces.caml.style=7 # The below command(s) can and should be adjusted to reflect your environment; # in addition, per-directory overrides are possible, so that project-specific "build" # commands may be used for more complex cases - see the SciTE documentation. command.compile.$(file.patterns.caml)=ocamlc -c $(FileNameExt)