# SciTE settings for AutoIt v3 # # May, 17 2004 - jos van der Zande (jvdzande@yahoo.com) # Contains keywords/functions/macros for build 101 & beta 102 # # *** Specify here your AutoIt program directory *** autoit3dir=C:\program files\autoit3 file.patterns.au3=*.au3 filter.au3=AutoIt (au3)|*.au3| lexer.$(file.patterns.au3)=au3 # Commands to compile / run your script command.compile.*.au3=$(autoit3dir)\aut2exe\aut2exe.exe /in "$(FilePath)" command.build.*.au3=$(autoit3dir)\aut2exe\aut2exe.exe /in "$(FilePath)" command.go.*.au3=$(autoit3dir)\autoit3.exe "$(FilePath)" # Tidy is a formatting program for Autoit 3 and can be downloaded from # http://www.hiddensoft.com/fileman/users/jdeb/install_tidy.exe command.9.*.au3=tidy\tidy.exe "$(FilePath)" command.name.9.*.au3=Tidy AutoIt Source command.save.before.9.*.au3=1 command.shortcut.9.*=Ctrl+9 # Standard LUA Functions extension.*.au3=$(SciteDefaultHome)\AutoIt3.lua command.name.11.*.au3=MsgBox(4096,'debug',...) command.subsystem.11.*.au3=3 command.11.*.au3=Debug_MsgBox command.shortcut.11.*.au3=Ctrl+Shift+D command.save.before.11.*.au3=2 command.name.12.*.au3=Insert Bookmarked Line(s) command.subsystem.12.*.au3=3 command.12.*.au3=Copy_BookMarks command.shortcut.12.*.au3=Ctrl+Shift+B command.save.before.12.*.au3=2 # Commands to for Help F1 command.help.*.au3=$(CurrentWord)!$(autoit3dir)\autoit.chm command.help.subsystem.*.au3=4 # Autocomplete and call tip settings api.*.au3=$(SciteDefaultHome)\api\au3.api calltip.au3.word.characters=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric) calltip.au3.ignorecase=1 autocomplete.au3.ignorecase=1 autocomplete.au3.start.characters=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)$@ word.characters.*.au3=$(chars.alpha)$(chars.numeric)@$_ # auto indent stuff indent.size.*.au3=3 statement.indent.*.au3= statement.lookback.*.au3= block.start.*.au3=5 case if do for func else elseif while select \ Case If Do For Func Else ElseIf While Select \ CASE IF DO FOR FUNC ELSE ELSEIF WHILE SELECT block.end.*.au3=5 case else endif elseif endfunc endselect next until wend \ Case Else EndIf ElseIf EndFunc EndSelect Next Until Wend \ CASE ELSE ENDIF ELSEIF ENDFUNC ENDSELECT NEXT UNTIL WEND #Comments functions definition comment.block.au3=;~ comment.block.at.line.start.au3=1 comment.stream.start.au3=#CS comment.stream.end.au3=#CE comment.box.start.au3=#CS comment.box.middle.au3= comment.box.end.au3= #CE #autoit keywords keywordclass.au3= \ and byref case continueloop dim do else elseif endfunc endif endselect exit exitloop for func \ global if local next not or return select step then to until wend while exit keywords.$(file.patterns.au3)=$(keywordclass.au3) #autoit functions keywords2.$(file.patterns.au3)= \ abs acos adlibdisable adlibenable asc asin atan autoitsetoption autoitwingettitle autoitwinsettitle \ bitand bitnot bitor bitshift bitxor blockinput break call cdtray chr clipget clipput controlclick \ controlcommand controldisable controlenable controlfocus controlgetfocus controlgetpos controlgettext \ controlhide controlmove controlsend controlsettext controlshow cos dec dircopy dircreate dirmove \ dirremove drivegetdrive drivegetfilesystem drivegetlabel drivegetserial drivegettype drivesetlabel \ drivespacefree drivespacetotal drivestatus envget envset envupdate eval exp filechangedir fileclose \ filecopy filecreateshortcut filedelete fileexists filefindfirstfile filefindnextfile filegetattrib \ filegetlongname filegetshortname filegetsize filegettime filegetversion fileinstall filemove \ fileopen fileopendialog fileread filereadline filerecycle filerecycleempty filesavedialog fileselectfolder \ filesetattrib filesettime filewrite filewriteline guicreate guicreateex guidefaultfont guidelete \ guigetcontrolstate guihide guimsg guiread guirecvmsg guisendmsg guisetcontrol guisetcontroldata \ guisetcontrolex guisetcontrolfont guisetcontrolnotify guisetcoord guisetcursor guishow guiwaitclose \ guiwrite hex hotkeyset inidelete iniread iniwrite inputbox int isadmin isarray isdeclared isfloat \ isint isnumber isstring log memgetstats mod mouseclick mouseclickdrag mousedown mousegetcursor \ mousegetpos mousemove mouseup mousewheel msgbox number pixelchecksum pixelgetcolor pixelsearch \ processclose processexists processsetpriority processwait processwaitclose progressoff progresson \ progressset random regdelete regenumkey regenumval regread regwrite round run runasset runwait \ send seterror shutdown sin sleep soundplay soundsetwavevolume splashimageon splashoff splashtexton \ sqrt statusbargettext string stringaddcr stringformat stringinstr stringisalnum stringisalpha \ stringisascii stringisdigit stringisfloat stringisint stringislower stringisspace stringisupper \ stringisxdigit stringleft stringlen stringlower stringmid stringreplace stringright stringsplit \ stringstripcr stringstripws stringtrimleft stringtrimright stringupper tan timerstart timerstop \ tooltip traytip ubound urldownloadtofile winactivate winactive winclose winexists wingetcaretpos \ wingetclasslist wingetclientsize wingethandle wingetpos wingetstate wingettext wingettitle \ winkill winmenuselectitem winminimizeall winminimizeallundo winmove winsetontop winsetstate \ winsettitle winwait winwaitactive winwaitclose winwaitnotactive #autoit macros keywords3.$(file.patterns.au3)= \ @appdatacommondir @appdatadir @autoitversion @commonfilesdir @compiled @computername @comspec \ @cr @crlf @desktopcommondir @desktopdir @desktopheight @desktopwidth @documentscommondir @error \ @favoritescommondir @favoritesdir @homedrive @homepath @homeshare @hour @ipaddress1 @ipaddress2 \ @ipaddress3 @ipaddress4 @lf @logondnsdomain @logondomain @logonserver @mday @min @mon @mydocumentsdir \ @osbuild @oslang @osservicepack @ostype @osversion @programfilesdir @programscommondir @programsdir \ @scriptdir @scriptfullpath @scriptname @sec @startmenucommondir @startmenudir @startupcommondir \ @startupdir @sw_hide @sw_maximize @sw_minimize @sw_restore @sw_show @systemdir @tab @tempdir \ @userprofiledir @username @wday @windowsdir @workingdir @yday @year #autoit Sent Keys keywords4.$(file.patterns.au3)= {!} {#} {^} {{} {}} {+} {alt} {altdown} {altup} {appskey} {asc} {backspace} {browser_back} \ {browser_favorites} {browser_forward} {browser_home} {browser_refresh} {browser_search} {browser_stop} {bs} {capslock} {ctrlbreak} \ {ctrldown} {ctrlup} {del} {delete} {down} {end} {enter} {esc} {escape} {f1} {f10} {f11} {f12} {f2} {f3} {f4} {f5} {f6} {f7} {f8} {f9} \ {home} {ins} {insert} {lalt} {launch_app1} {launch_app2} {launch_mail} {launch_media} {lctrl} {left} {lshift} {lwin} \ {lwindown} {media_next} {media_play_pause} {media_prev} {media_stop} {numlock} \ {numpad0} {numpad1} {numpad2} {numpad3} {numpad4} {numpad5} {numpad6} {numpad7} {numpad8} {numpad9} \ {numpadadd} {numpaddiv} {numpaddot} {numpadenter} {numpadmult} {numpadsub} {pause} {pgdn} {pgup} \ {printscreen} {ralt} {rctrl} {right} {rshift} {rwin} {rwindown} {scrolllock} {shiftdown} {shiftup} {sleep} {space} {tab} {up} \ {volume_down} {volume_mute} {volume_up} #Pre-Processor keywords5.$(file.patterns.au3)= #include #include-once #Special keywords6.$(file.patterns.au3)= #region #endregion # White space style.au3.0=fore:#000000 # Comment line style.au3.1=fore:#009933,italics # Comment block style.au3.2=fore:#669900,italics # Number style.au3.3=fore:#AC00A9,bold,italics # Function style.au3.4=fore:#000090,bold,italics # Keyword style.au3.5=fore:#0000FF,bold # Macro style.au3.6=fore:#FF33FF,bold # String style.au3.7=fore:#9999CC,bold # Operator style.au3.8=fore:#FF0000,bold # Variable style.au3.9=fore:#AA0000,bold # Sent keys in string style.au3.10=fore:#FF8800,bold # Pre-Processor style.au3.11=fore:#F000FF,italics # Special style.au3.12=fore:#A00FF0,italics # Expand abbreviations style.au3.13=fore:#FF0000,bold # ComObjects style.au3.14=fore:#0000FF,bold,italics